
📦 The simplest modal manager for your react apps

Primary LanguageTypeScript

React JS Modal

The simplest modal manager for your react apps.


You can get react js modal up and running simply with yarn or npm

npm install react-ts-modal --save
yarn add react-ts-modal


To get started, simply import the modal component.

import Modal from "react-ts-modal";

React JS modal also comes with styles you can apply for cool effects and transitions. It comes in both CSS and SCSS, so you can use whichever you prefer.

import "react-ts-modal/css/styles.scss";
// or
import "react-ts-modal/css/styles.css";

It's better to import the styles in a top-most component like App.js in create-react-app.

From there, you can start building your awesome modal.

react-ts-modal also has 100% typescript support as it's completely written in TypeScript.

import Modal from "react-ts-modal";

const MyAwesomeModal = () => {
  return (
    <Modal name="awesome-modal">
      <div>This is the modal content!</div>

const App = () => {
  return (
    <div className="application">
      ... all the stuff on this page
      <MyAwesomeModal />
      {/* used here to make sure it's present in the DOM */}

From here, you can trigger the modal by simply doing this

import { modal } from "react-ts-modal";

// show modal defined above

// hide modal

// get modal instance in dom
const myModal = modal.find("awesome-modal");

// check if modal is open

That's it! A very easy to use project.

Watch out: <Modal> requires the name prop. When using TypeScript, the compiler will shout at you if you miss this :-(

Other available props for <Modal>

  • name: string ------------------ The name of the modal (required)
  • className?: string ------------ Modal className (optional)
  • close?: Function -------------- Custom modal close method (optional)
  • closeButton?: boolean --------- Show/hide modal close button (default true)
  • children: any ----------------- Modal contents (required)
  • show?: boolean ---------------- Manually show/hide modal (optional)
  • size?: string ----------------- Size of modal (optional, uses modal styling)
  • pageScroll?: boolean ---------- Enable/Disable page content scroll with modal active

You can find a "real-world" demo here source code here.

Leave a star, contribute or give your feedback on this package. Thanks.


v1.1.0 - Apr 19, 2021


  • modal.exists to check if modal exists in DOM


Modal close button onClick fixed.


  • Warnings moved from modal.find to dependent methods.