
Vim's default colour scheme

Primary LanguageVim Script


A colour scheme that tries to replicate Vim's default. Effectively it should be a no-op or equivalent to:

highlight clear
syntax reset


Making a colour scheme is time-consuming enough without having to go hunting for what the default highlight groups are.

How to trigger various highlight groups

Highlight group When it’s used
Normal main background and text colour
Directory :Ex /
EndOfBuffer the tildes at the end of the buffer
ErrorMsg :echoerr 'My error'
VertSplit open a vertical split and see the bar
IncSearch set incsearch and then :%s/mysearch it will highlight as you type
LineNr the numbers after :set number
LineNrAbove :set number relativenumber. Numbers above current line are styled this way
LineNrBelow :set number relativenumber. Numbers below current line are styled this way
CursorLineNr same as LineNr but specific to the line the cursor is on
MatchParen a matching pair of brackets
ModeMsg enter insert mode to see the style
MoreMsg view the output of a command like :hi or :map
NonText :set nowrap, write a long line and the character that shows at the end of the screen
Pmenu enter insert mode, type a letter and then press C-n
PmenuSel as above, selected item
PmenuSbar as above, scroll bar
PmenuThumb as above, scroll bar position
Question :!ls (the hit-enter prompt)
QuickFixLine :vimgrep 'a' %:h/**, :copen, <CR>. Highlights line
Search /Search
CurSearch /Search. The current match is styled this way
SpecialKey :set list or :map
StatusLine :set laststatus=2, active status bar
StatusLineNC :sp, inactive status bar
TabLine :tabnew, inactive tab colour and close button
TabLineFill the space between tabs and the right-hand side
TabLineSel selected tab
Title the number in a tab when it has more than one window
Visual V
WarningMsg perform a search then let it wrap
VisualNOS when Vim loses the X selection but is still in visual mode
DiffAdd vim -d /tmp/a /tmp/b
DiffChange as above
DiffDelete as above
DiffText as above, this is the text that changed in DiffChange line
Folded how a fold looks
FoldColumn how fold areas are displayed in the fold column
CursorLineFold fold column style when :set cursorline is active
ToolbarLine ???
ToolbarButton ???
SpellBad :set spell spelllang=en_gb, teh
SpellCap as above, start sentence without a capital
SpellLocal as above, color vs colour
SpellRare ?
ColorColumn :set colorcolumn=80
CursorColumn :set cursorcolumn
CursorLine :set cursorline
Comment based on a language's syntax file
Constant based on a language's syntax file
Special based on a language's syntax file
Identifier based on a language's syntax file
Statement based on a language's syntax file
PreProc based on a language's syntax file
Type based on a language's syntax file
Underlined based on a language's syntax file
Ignore based on a language's syntax file
Error based on a language's syntax file
Todo based on a language's syntax file
WildMenu :e /<Tab>
Conceal :set conceallevel=1, write out a link in Markdown
SignColumn :set signcolumn=yes
CursorLineSign sign column style when :set cursorline is active
StatusLineTerm :terminal
StatusLineTermNC as above but not the current window, <Esc><C-w><C-w>

Neovim-specific highlight groups

Highlight group When it’s used
NormalNC The inactive split's Normal value
VisualNC ???
TermCursor :h hl-TermCursor
TermCursorNC :h hl-TermCursorNC
WinBar set winbar=blah\ blah\ blah, :h 'winbar', :h hl-WinBar
WinBarNC The inactive version of the above, :h hl-WinBarNC
WinSeparator supersedes VertSplit. Can be used for horizontal splits when :set laststatus=3
Substitute :s/this text/that text/. Highlights the changed region
Whitespace set list and see nbsp, space, tab, etc. :h hl-Whitespace
MsgSeparator Run an external command like :!ls. It's the divider between Vim and the output
MsgArea The :messages and cmd line area
NormalFloat :h hl-NormalFloat
FloatBorder :h nvim_open_win()
FloatShadow :h nvim_open_win(). /"shadow
FloatShadowThrough :h nvim_open_win(). /"shadow
RedrawDebugNormal :h redrawdebug
RedrawDebugClear :h redrawdebug
RedrawDebugComposed :h redrawdebug
RedrawDebugRecompose :h redrawdebug
DiagnosticError :h hl-DiagnosticError
DiagnosticWarn :h hl-DiagnosticWarn
DiagnosticInfo :h hl-DiagnosticInfo
DiagnosticHint :h hl-DiagnosticHint
DiagnosticUnderlineError :h hl-DiagnosticUnderlineError
DiagnosticUnderlineWarn :h hl-DiagnosticUnderlineWarn
DiagnosticUnderlineInfo :h hl-DiagnosticUnderlineInfo
DiagnosticUnderlineHint :h hl-DiagnosticUnderlineHint
DiagnosticVirtualTextError :h hl-DiagnosticVirtualTextError
DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn :h hl-DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn
DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo :h hl-DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo
DiagnosticVirtualTextHint :h hl-DiagnosticVirtualTextHint
DiagnosticFloatingError :h hl-DiagnosticFloatingError
DiagnosticFloatingWarn :h hl-DiagnosticFloatingWarn
DiagnosticFloatingInfo :h hl-DiagnosticFloatingInfo
DiagnosticFloatingHint :h hl-DiagnosticFloatingHint
DiagnosticSignError :h hl-DiagnosticSignError
DiagnosticSignWarn :h hl-DiagnosticSignWarn
DiagnosticSignInfo :h hl-DiagnosticSignInfo
DiagnosticSignHint :h hl-DiagnosticSignHint
Nvim* :h expr-highlight. In short, syntax highlighting for cmd line
@number, @constant, etc. :h treesitter-highlight-groups
LspReferenceText e.g. highlight variable's other uses in buffer, :h hl-LspReferenceText
LspReferenceRead e.g. highlight variable's other uses in buffer, :h hl-LspReferenceRead
LspReferenceWrite e.g. highlight variable's other uses in buffer, :h hl-LspReferenceWrite

See also