
FieldWorks in a Docker container

Primary LanguageShell

FieldWorks in Docker

FieldWorks is supported by SIL only for Ubuntu. This is unfortunate if you are using a different distribution, but perhaps it is possible to run FieldWorks inside a Docker container. This is an attempt to do precisely that.

Building the Image

Assuming that you already have Docker installed, build the image by running the following command in this directory:

sed -i "s/uid=1000 gid=100/uid=$(id -u) gid=$(id -g)/" Dockerfile
docker build -t fieldworks .

Starting FieldWorks

Because FieldWorks is comprised of multiple commands, we can't just run one of the applications in the container, instead, the container runs a proxy for the commands, which can be sent via netcat. We start the container by running:

docker run -ti --rm -p 3030:3030 -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v $HOME:/home/you fieldworks

Then we can run commands in the container by passing them to the proxy:

echo "echo hello world" | nc localhost 3030

Theoretically, you could just run nc localhost 3030, except that the proxy drops the connection if it has not read anything for more than 1 second. In particular however, you might want to use the following commands:

echo "fieldworks-flex" | nc localhost 3030
echo "fieldworks-te" | nc localhost 3030