
Conference deadline countdowns

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Conference Deadlines

Deadlines for conferences in AI, HCI, Multimodality, Linguistics, Cognition, and Behavioural Interfaces.

Adding/updating a conference

This list builds upon the listing of top-tier AI conferences at aideadlin.es. The aim is to expand that list with conferences in some other areas of research I am active in. Feel free to either contribute to this listing if it matches your research profile or to maintain a separate fork of the original listing for your own area.

To add or update information:

  • Fork the repository
  • Update _data/conferences.yml
  • Make sure it has the name, longname, year, id, link, deadline, timezone, startdate, enddate, place and sub attributes
  • Send a pull request

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The information in this repository may be outdated, incomplete, or incorrect. Please check the deadlines with the individual conferences and do not rely solely on the information given here.
