
Documentação criada para instruir comandos no deploy de aplicações React.js na Amazon AWS EC2 (E. Cloud 2). Documentation created to instruct commands in deploying React.js applications on Amazon AWS EC2 (E. Cloud 2) .



Documentação criada para instruir comandos no deploy de aplicações React.js na Amazon AWS EC2 (E. Cloud 2):

  1. Comando para conexão à instância ssh -i "MeuKeyPair.pem" ec2-user@ec2-18-230-199-167.sa-east-1.compute.amazonaws.com

  2. Comando para permissões e atualizações da máquina sudo su yum update -y

  3. Comando para encontrar path raíz da máquina pwd

  4. Comando para criar a pasta build do projeto a ser feito o deploy npm run build

  5. Comando para copiar "/build" do projeto para a máquina virtual scp -i "MeuKeyPair.pem" -r build/ USUÁRIOEC2:/home/ec2-user (pwd)

  6. Comando para instalar Apache (httpd) yum install httpd

  7. Apache start service httpd start

  8. Apache status service httpd status

  9. Abrir o link da instância no navegador http://ec2-18-229-150-15.sa-east-1.compute.amazonaws.com/

  10. Comandos para hospedar a build no Apache (html) 10.1 cd /var/www/html 10.2 mv build/* . 10.3 rm -rf build/ 10.4 ls -la


Documentation created to instruct commands in deploying React.js applications on Amazon AWS EC2 (E. Cloud 2):

  1. Command to connect to the instance ssh -i "MyKeyPair.pem" ec2-user@ec2-18-230-199-167.sa-east-1.compute.amazonaws.com

  2. Command for machine permissions and updates sudo su yum update -y

  3. Command to find the machine's root path pwd

  4. Command to create the build folder of the project to be deployed npm run build

  5. Command to copy "/ build" from the project to the virtual machine scp -i "MyKeyPair.pem" -r build / USEREC2: / home / ec2-user (pwd)

  6. Command to install Apache (httpd) yum install httpd

  7. Apache start service httpd start

  8. Apache status service httpd status

  9. Open the instance link in the browser http://ec2-18-229-150-15.sa-east-1.compute.amazonaws.com/

  10. Commands to host the build on Apache (html) 10.1 cd / var / www / html 10.2 mv build / *. 10.3 rm -rf build / 10.4 ls -la