
Vitest is a test runner. It is built on top of Vite, and provides a beautiful UI to view and interact with your tests.

Vitest Installation

pnpm install vitest will install Vitest and its dependencies.

Vitest Configuration

Vitest uses the same configuration as Vite. You can create a vite.config.js file in the root of your project to configure Vitest.


Vitest UI

Powered by Vite, Vitest also has a dev server under the hood when running the tests. This allows Vitest to provide a beautiful UI to view and interact with your tests. The Vitest UI is optional, so you'll need to install it with:

pnpm vitest --ui will start a dev server. The UI will automatically reload when you make changes to your tests.

#Vitest Tests

pnpm test:unit will run your tests in the terminal.

Vitest Coverage

pnpm test:unit:coverage When you start the Vitest process, it will prompt you to install the corresponding support package automatically. It will run your tests and generate a coverage report.

For c8

pnpm i -D @vitest/coverage-c8

For istanbul

pnpm i -D @vitest/coverage-istanbul