
Code for a Skype Bot that responds with Elapsed/Remaining percentages of current year.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Percentages Bot

Code for a Skype Bot that responds with Elapsed/Remaining percentages of current year.


  • Sign up for a Wolfram Alpha App ID, rename constants-template.js to constants.js and set WOLFRAM_ALPHA_APP_ID,
  • Download and install the Bot Framework Emulator.


  1. From within the app folder, run node app.js:

  2. Open the Bot Framework Emulator:

  3. Add http://localhost:3978/api/messages to the Endpoint URL and click Connect:

    [Note: Credentials are not needed for local testing.]

  4. Type a message, hit Enter and VOILÀ! 🙌

Next Up: Deploying the bot and interacting with it from Skype. [Stay tuned!]