
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Harmonic UI 🎵

Harmonize your development with the power of music.

Harmonic UI is a React & Tailwind Component Library created to showcase the Harmonic Design Theory. Taking inspiration from the universality and structure of music, as well as the principles of Component Driven Development and Atomic Design, this library demonstrates how musical elements can be translated into the realm of component design.

Overview 📖

The Harmonic Design Theory uses musical analogies to describe and structure design systems. Similar to how music is composed of notes, chords, and progressions, our design system is built upon foundational elements such as CDD and Atomic Design, with a focus on Tailwind and React:

  • Notes: Represented by atomic components like Buttons, Headings, Labels, and Checkboxes.
  • Chords: Combinations of notes that come together to form a cohesive unit.
  • Progressions: Client components that guide the user experience through sequences of chords.
  • Structures: The overarching layouts and grids.
  • Dynamics/Context: Context Components like an <AuthContextProvider/>.
  • Hooks: Use different React features from components.
  • Compositions: Complete pages or views such as a Home page or Settings page.
  • Suites: Groups of Compositions, such as a Web App, a Documentation website, or a Marketing website.

Harmonic UI serves an example to prove this theory, providing real-world examples and implementations of these concepts.

Install 💿

npm install harmonic-ui

Configure ⚙️

Harmonic UI has its own color system that supports 4 colors:

  • Primary
  • Complementary
  • Warning
  • Error

To use the built-in Harmonic UI color system with Tailwind, update your tailwind.config.ts file. Import the withHarmony function and export your configuration.

This is a minimal example of how to use the default Harmonic-UI color theme:

import { withHarmony } from 'harmonic-ui';
import type { Config } from 'tailwindcss'

const config: Config = {
  content: [
  plugins: [],
export default withHarmony({
  userConfig: config,
  // this is optional, add it if your node_modules directory is not
  // in the same path as your tailwind config.
  nodeModulesPath: '../../node_modules

This in an example with custom colors:

import { withHarmony } from 'harmonic-ui';
import type { Config } from 'tailwindcss'

const config: Config = {
  content: [
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        'primary': {
          '50': '#f4f6f7',
          '100': '#e2e9eb',
          '200': '#c7d3da',
          '300': '#a1b4bf',
          '400': '#738d9d',
          '500': '#587182',
          '600': '#4b5f6f',
          '700': '#41505d',
          '800': '#3b454f',
          '900': '#343c45',
          '950': '#21272e',

        'complementary': {
          '50': '#f0f8ff',
          '100': '#dff0ff',
          '200': '#9ed8ff',
          '300': '#79ccff',
          '400': '#32b3fe',
          '500': '#0799f0',
          '600': '#007acd',
          '700': '#0060a6',
          '800': '#035289',
          '900': '#094571',
          '950': '#062b4b',
        'warning': {
          '50': '#fff9eb',
          '100': '#ffefc6',
          '200': '#ffe39e',
          '300': '#ffc54a',
          '400': '#ffad20',
          '500': '#f98a07',
          '600': '#dd6402',
          '700': '#b74306',
          '800': '#94330c',
          '900': '#7a2a0d',
          '950': '#461402',
        'error': {
          '50': '#fef2f3',
          '100': '#fde6e7',
          '200': '#fbd0d5',
          '300': '#f7aab2',
          '400': '#f27a8a',
          '500': '#ea546c',
          '600': '#d5294d',
          '700': '#b31d3f',
          '800': '#961b3c',
          '900': '#811a39',
          '950': '#48091a',
  plugins: [],
export default withHarmony({
  userConfig: config,

Use 🏗️

You can now use any component in the library like so:

import {Button} from 'harmonic-ui';

<Button label="Click me!" />

You can also pass color and style properties to the button:

import {Button} from 'harmonic-ui';

<Button label="Click me!"
        buttonStyle="outline" />

A Form Example using note and chord components:

import {Button, TextInput} from 'harmonic-ui';
import {ComponentProps} from "react";

interface AuthFormProps extends ComponentProps<'form'>{
    buttonText: string;
    disabled: boolean;
    onFormSubmit: () => void;

export const AuthForm = ({
}: AuthFormProps) => (
        <form className={'mt-5'}
                <TextInput id="email"
                           disabled={disabled} />
                <TextInput id="password"
                           disabled={disabled} />

            <div className={'my-10 text-center'}>
                <Button type={'submit'}
                        disabled={disabled} />

Contributing ✋

Please see the CONTRIBUTE.md file