
:neckbeard: Catalogue of useful python modules that run as script.

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Awesome Python modules as script

Catalogue of useful python modules that run as script.


  • Python 3

How to use?

You have to type: python -m <name>.

You can access help for some modules through: python -m <name> --help or python -m <name> -h.

Standard Library

Name Description Example
hello Hello world! python -m hello
ast Parse abstract syntax tree for a Python module python -m ast myfile.py
asyncio Asyncio REPL python -m asyncio
antigravity Open browser with http://xkcd.com/353 python -m antigravity
base64 Encode and decode base64 echo 'message' | python -m base64 -e
cProfile Profiling your code python -m cProfile module.py
calendar Pretty print a calendar python -m calendar
code Closely emulate the interactive Python interpreter python -m code
compileall Compile Python source files in a directory tree python -m compileall
dis Print bytecode generated by a file python -m dis some_module.py
doctest Run doctests in a file python -m doctest myfile.py
encodings.rot_13 ROT-13 encoder/decoder echo 'message' | python -m encodings.rot_13
ensurepip Bootstrap pip if it was skipped or uninstalled python -m ensurepip
filecmp Compare two directories content python -m filecmp dir_a dir_b
ftplib Simple ftp client python -m ftplib [host]
gzip Compress and decompress files python -m gzip [file]
http.server Simple HTTP Server python -m http.server 5000
idlelib Launch IDLE prompt python -m idlelib
imaplib Like using curl to read email python -m imaplib [imap4 host]
inspect Inspect a object. python -m inspect "collections:OrderedDict"
json.tool Validate and pretty-print JSON echo '{ 1.2:3.4}' | python -m json.tool
lib2to3 Automated Python 2 to 3 code translation python -m lib2to3 -w [python file]
locale Show O.S Locale information python -m locale
mimetypes MIME type/extension database python -m mimetypes -e application/json
pdb Automatic post-mortem debugging python -m pdb myscript.py
pickle Display contents of the pickle files python -m pickle [pickle files]
pickletools Disassemble one or more pickle files python -m pickletools [pickle file]
pip Python package manager python -m pip install requests
platform Show current platform python -m platform
poplib List POP3 mailbox python -m poplib [server] [username] [password]
profile Profiling your code python -m profile some_module.py
pstats Print profiling statistics python -m pstats [file generated by profile]
pyclbr Extract classes and methods from a module python -m pyclbr [module]
pydoc Consult the documentation python -m pydoc -b
quopri Encode and decode MIME quoted-printable data echo 'message' | python -m quopri
runpy Run a Python module as a script python -m runpy hello
site List your current path python -m site
sqlite3 SQLite shell python -m sqlite3
smtplib Send a mail message(to localhost) python -m smtplib
sysconfig Shows paths and Python internal variables python -m sysconfig
tabnanny Check file for mixed tabs & spaces python -m tabnanny [python file]
tarfile Read and write tar files python -m tarfile -e myfile.tar
telnetlib Telnet client python -m telnetlib towel.blinkenlights.nl
this Zen of python python -m this
timeit Measuring execution time of small code snippets python -m timeit 'sorted(range(100))'
tokenize Show how python tokenize a file python -m tokenize some_module.py
turtledemo Educational demos for turtle module python -m turtledemo
unittest Run tests using unittest python -m unittest .
uu Encode and decode uuencode files echo 'message' | python -m uu
uuid Generate a random UUID python -m uuid
venv Create a virtual enviroment python -m venv myproject
webbrowser Open a web browser python -m webbrowser http://httpbin.org
zipapp Create an executable ZIP file from Python code python -m zipapp mydir -m "module:main"
zipfile Zip operations like create, test or extract python -m zipfile -e zipfile.zip target

Third party packages

They can be installed through: python -m pip install [module name].

Name Description Example
black The uncompromising code formatter python -m black .
flake8 Tool For Style Guide Enforcement python -m flake8 path/to/code/
pytest Run tests using pytest python -m pytest -s path/to/tests/


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