
sensible hacker defaults for OS X

Primary LanguageVim script

Cassio's dotfiles & setup

Mathias's readme is awesome. go read it.

This is a mashup between Paul Irish's dotfiles and Raúl Uranga's powerbook made by Gil Barbara.

install the necessary apps

The basic setup is executed in install.sh which adds a ton of stuff: brew (node, php, mongo, mysql, python, ruby), cask and some gems, npm global packages and more.

private config

Toss it into a file called .extra which you do not commit to this repo and just keep in your ~/

## PATH like a bawss

export PATH

Sensible OS X defaults

When setting up a new Mac, you may want to set some sensible OS X defaults:


Overview of dotfiles

Automatic config

  • .vimrc, .vim - vim config, obv.
  • .ackrc
  • .editorconfig
  • .jshintrc
  • .jscsrc

shell environment

  • .aliases
  • .bash_profile
  • .bash_prompt
  • .bashrc
  • .exports
  • .functions
  • .extra - not included, explained above

manual run

  • setup.sh - apps I need
  • .osx - run on a fresh osx machine


  • .gitattributes

  • .gitconfig

  • .gitignore

  • .inputrc - config for bash readline


git clone https://github.com/cassiocardoso/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles && cd ~/.dotfiles && ./setup.sh

Also you can install the modules individually

./setup.sh module_name

Modules: apps, brew, dotfiles, fonts, npm and rubygems

To update later on, just run the install again.