
Cassio Fernando's Personal Website and Blog. Now with the help of ChatGPT.

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Cassio Fernando's Personal Website and Blog

My personal website and blog made with Hugo and LoveIt



Hi, my name is Cássio Fernando. I'm a Fullstack developer based on Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. The goal of this website is to be my personal blog and portfolio.


This website has all the same features from LoveIt, my favorites are:

  • Bultin markdown blog system
  • Bultin analytics system
  • Bultin comment system
  • Bultin image processing
  • Bultin latex support
  • Bultin custom player


You will need git and hugo installed, from your terminal:

git clone https://github.com/cassiofb-dev/cassio-fernando

cd cassio-fernando

hugo server

With the advent of this amazing AI, I'll generate blog post with it. The author will be ChatGPT itself, steps to train the model:

  1. Write a markdown code block with blog post about something
  2. At the start write this filling the empty fields:
    author: "ChatGPT"
    authorLink: "https://openai.com/"
    title: ""
    description: ""
    tags: [""]
    categories: [""]
    - name: "featured-image"
      src: "featured-image.png"


This project uses git, Hugo and LoveIt theme.



Website  ·  GitHub @cassiofb-dev  ·  Twitter @cassiofb_dev