
Basic implementation of Minesweeper as a React hook.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Minesweeper React

Using in a project

yarn install @cassler/use-minesweeper

MineSweeper React component

Import the full component to use directly.

import { MineSweeper } from '@cassler/use-minesweeper';
import '/node_modules/@cassler/use-minesweeper/dist/style.css';
Argument Type Default Required Description
size number 12 false Dimensions of gameboard along each axis in absolute units.
difficulty number 0.25 false Liklihood of a bomb being on any given square. Value between 0 and 1

useMinesweeper Hook

Or just the hook to compose your own version:

import { useMineSweeper, BoardContext } from '@cassler/use-minesweeper'

This provides most of what you need as an object. Below is an example implementation.

export interface Props { size: number, difficulty: number }
export function MyApp({ size = 12, difficulty = 0.25 }:Props) {
  const { ctx, getGridStyle, isItemOpen, selectItem } = useMineSweeper(size, difficulty);
  return (
    <BoardContext.Provider value={ctx}>
      <div style={getGridStyle(size)}>
        {ctx.board.map((item, idx) => (
          <button type="button" onClick={() => selectItem(idx)}>
            {isItemOpen(idx) ? `x${item.xAxis},y${item.yAxis}` : '?'}

useMinsweeper provides the following for composition. The values for board, flippedItems and selectItem are included as a single ctx object for ease-of-use. You can destruture these further if you want to use something other than React.Context.

key type description
ctx.board object[] All items on the board in an array, see types for details
ctx.flippedItems number[] All currently flipped items by absolute index.
ctx.selectItem (idx:number) => void Update state to flip selected index
getGridStyle (size:number) => CSSProperties Provide CSS grid styles to apply to board container.
handleNewGame () => void Resets the game state and generates a new board.
setSize (size:number) => void Build a new board from the given axis length
setDifficulty (diff:number) => void Provide a value between 0 and 1 to build a new board with the given difficulty factor.


yarn & yarn dev To install dependencies and launch a dev server on Vite.

yarn build Will transpile ES and UMD flavors of modules - both are available for consumption. Notably, UMD modules which are capable of working everywhere, be it in the client, on the server or elsewhere. This includes compatability with require and import syntaxes with special-casing to handle CommonJS compatability.