A service to match a person affected by Parkinson's with a relevant Parkinson's UK service.
Built using Elixir
, Phoenix
, Elm
, and Tachyons
Parkinson's UK have a fantastic range of services for people with Parkinson's. However, people newly diagnosed with Parkinson's often find the range of choice overwhelming, making it difficult to get to the services that are most relevant to them.
Parkinson's and Me
is a web app that aims to solve this problem by guiding the user through a series of quotes
from people with Parkinson's, and asking the user if "this sounds like me".
After answering the quotes the user is shown the top 3 Parkinson's UK services
that are most relevant to them. The user can revisit a previous service sent via a url
and can have the services sent to them by email
The Parkinson's and me
service aims to be as friendly and personal as possible. As the project grows the aim will be to further customise the experience to the particular user as much as possible (using the data that the user inputs: age range
and postcode
To get up and running - make sure you have installed:
after installing, to install the dependencies run:
> mix deps.get && npm install && elm package install
make sure postgres is running and then run
> mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
this creates a local database
after the dependencies are installed and database setup, run:
> mix phoenix.server
and visit localhost:4000
to see the app running
The app is currently hosted on heroku
, with the following versions:
Heroku is set up to automatically deploy from staging
and master
branches (to staging and production versions respectively).
to add the env vars to the app, make a .env
in the root of your app and add this (with your own vars in place)
export MAILGUN_KEY="your mailgun secret key"
export MAILGUN_DOMAIN="your mailgun domain"
and link the .env file to the phoenix app by running in your terminal:
source .env
the following env vars are also set on heroku but are not as relevant to development
export DATABASE_URL="heroku postgres db url"
export POOLSIZE=18
export SECRET_KEY_BASE="elixir generated secret key"
export PRODUCTION_GA="production ga code"
the following are only set on the staging environment, add these locally to see the elm debugger and staging google analytics
export STAGING=true
export STAGING_GA="staging ga code"
Tests for the frontend and backend are kept in the test
directory. To run the tests:
- for
:npm test
- for
:mix test
Before pull requests can be merged into staging
or master
the tests run and must pass on Circle CI
The configuration for running the test suite on Circle is included in /circle.yml
and /.tool-versions
. The asdf
package manager is used to install Erlang
and Elixir
and to cache these installations if they have not changed since the last build. /.tool-versions
contains the version numbers to install. Full details can be found on the following article -