
CAST AI kubernetes cluster controller

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

CAST AI cluster controller

The official CAST AI kubernetes cluster controller written in Go


Check our official helm charts repo https://github.com/castai/castai-helm-charts


Pull requests

Each pull request builds and publishes docker image for easier code review and testing. Check relevant GitHub actions.

On existing cluster enrolled to CAST AI

Deploy cluster-controller to already connected remote cluster.

NOTE: Make sure your kubectl context is pointing to your remote cluster.

Have a configured gcloud. Make sure to docker login with

gcloud auth configure-docker gcr.io

Clone https://github.com/castai/castai-helm-charts adjacent to repo root folder. It will be used by our scripts

cd <cluster-controller-parent-directory>
git clone https://github.com/castai/castai-helm-charts gh-helm-charts


API_KEY=your-api-key \
API_URL=your-api-url \
CLUSTER_ID=your-cluster-id \


API_KEY=your-api-key \
API_URL=your-api-url \
CLUSTER_ID=your-cluster-id \
KUBECONFIG=path-to-kubeconfig \
go run .


The cluster-controller can be tested locally with a full e2e flow using kind: Kubernetes in Docker.

Setup a kind cluster with a local docker registry by running the ./hack/kind/run.sh script.

Option 1. Deploy controller in Kind cluster.

  • Build your local code and push it to the local registry with ./hack/kind/build.sh.
  • Deploy the chart to the kind cluster with
    helm repo add castai-helm https://castai.github.io/helm-charts
    helm repo update
    helm template cluster-controller castai-helm/castai-cluster-controller \
      -f hack/kind/values.yaml \
      --set apiKey="your-api-key" \
      --set apiURL="your-api-url" \
      --set clusterID="your-cluster-id" | kubectl apply -f - -n castai-agent



Please see the contribution guidelines.


Code is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See NOTICE.md for complete details, including software and third-party licenses and permissions.