
Add some character to your unit testing.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ

noh provides simple assert functionality with emojis.
Because sometimes assertions need a little more character :)

noh also includes basic logging messages and an execution timer.


From terminal: npm install noh


wearNoh is a decorator function that wraps any function you give it with asserts, logging, and a noh emoji.

wearNoh( f , e )
//Where f is the function to be wrapped
//and e is asserted to be f's return value.

This snippet demonstrates an example of usage.

var noh = require('noh')
var assertValue = 2
function returnArg(arg){return arg}

var example = noh.wearNoh(returnArg, assertValue)
example(2); //Pass with pass logging
example(3); //Fail with failure logging

On each call of example(), it's return value will be checked against assertValue, with subsequent logging.