
My linux dev machine config files

Primary LanguageVim Script

My awesome dotfiles

After some time of deep lazyness, dark times in which the forces of procrastination were strong in this young padawan, I decided to put my devel machine dotfiles in a git repo. Yay! cheered the crowd blissfully, and the world was never again the same.

What do we have here


Configurations that I normally use (without many things that got mercylessly cut from the original file before I created this repo, because I didn't remember how to use them, or what the heck they were doing in my .vimrc).

Many configs were inspired (i.e. stolen) from this blog post


Vanilla flavored bashrc, the only real mod is a tweak at PS1 to show the actual git branch (in yellow, mind you!) if inside a repo. Made this because all other mods for showing the actual branch simply destroyed my beautiful green/blue prompt.


The bundle folder to manage the vim plugins I use. But beware: submodules inside.

And how 'bout installing all this goodness?

It's simple, keep calm and I will lead you through the install process in an almost painless manner.

  1. cd ~
  2. git clone git://github.com/castilhocp/dotfiles.git
  3. rm .vimrc
  4. ln -s dotfiles/.vimrc .vimrc
  5. ln -s dotfiles/.bashrc .bashrc
  6. rm -rf .vim/bundle
  7. ln -s dofiles/bundle .vim/bundle


You're free to use all the information in this repository in any way you please, provided you never mistreat a puppy from this moment on. Nevermore. Seriously.

I'm watching ya.