
This is simple plugin that clear all cloudfront cache if you publish posts.

Primary LanguagePHP

C3 Cloudfront Cache Controller

This is simple plugin that clear all cloudfront cache if you publish posts.

How to install

$ cd /path/to/wordpress/wp-content/plugins
$ git clone git@github.com:amimoto-ami/c3-cloudfront-clear-cache.git
$ cd c3-cloudfront-clear-cache

Adding your configuration through env vars

The plugin can be configured by defining the following environment variables:



Change Invalidation interval

Default interval is 1 minutes.

add_filter('c3_invalidation_interval', function( $interval_minutes ) {
    $custom_interval = 1;
    return $custom_interval;
} );

Change Invalidation retry interval

Default interval is 1 minutes.

add_filter('c3_invalidation_cron_interval', function( $interval_minutes ) {
    $custom_interval = 1;
    return $custom_interval;
} );

Change Invalidation items limit

Default limit is 100.

add_filter( 'c3_invalidation_item_limits', function( $limits ) {
    $custom_limit = 300;
    return $custom_limit;
} );

Customize/Overwrite the invalidation path

Using the c3_invalidation_items filter, we can update the invalidation path.

add_filter( 'c3_invalidation_items', function($items){  
        return array('/*'); 
add_filter( 'c3_invalidation_items', function( $items, $post ) {
    if ( 'should-overwritten' === $post->post_name) {
        return ['/slug-overwritten'];
    return $items;
}, 10, 2 );

Change or Stop loading bundled AWS SDK (Since v6.0.0)

Use c3_aws_sdk_path filter, to relace the AWS SDK library path.

add_filter( 'c3_aws_sdk_path', function () {
} );

If return null, the plugin will not load bundled AWS SDK.

add_filter( 'c3_aws_sdk_path', function () {
	return null;
} );

Logging cron job history(Since v6.0.0)

add_filter( 'c3_log_cron_invalidation_task', '__return_true' );

Local testing


Unit test

$ yarn dev
$ yarn test

GitHub Action(WIP)

Using act to execute the workflow in your local.

$ act -P ubuntu-latest=shivammathur/node:latest