
Dispose is called twice when using UsingFactoryMethod with LifestyleTransient

Crabzmatic opened this issue · 0 comments

Windsor 5.1.1

Here is a short reproducer for this problem I'm encountering. MyComponent.Dispose() is called twice. It shouldn't be called twice, it should be called once. When not specifying MyService lifestyle, MyComponent.Dispose() is called only once, as expected.

using Castle.MicroKernel.Registration;
using Castle.Windsor;

namespace WindsorOnDestroyReproducer
    class MyComponent : IDisposable
        public void Dispose()
            Console.WriteLine("Dispose my component " + GetHashCode());

    class MyComponentFactory
        public MyComponent Create()
            return new MyComponent();

    class MyService
        private readonly MyComponent _myComponent;

        public MyService(MyComponent myComponent)
            _myComponent = myComponent;

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using var container = new WindsorContainer();


                    kernel =>
                        var factory = kernel.Resolve<MyComponentFactory>();
                        var myComponent = factory.Create();
                        return myComponent;


            var service = container.Resolve<MyService>();