Castle Windsor is a best of breed, mature Inversion of Control container available for .NET
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Documentation is out of the date
#674 opened by yusufokaraman - 0
Can't ovveride IDependencyResolver in DefaultKernel
#673 opened by Oscallo - 1
Blazor Support
#667 opened by sianmace - 37
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Product support question
#671 opened by JimGolden - 0
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Occasional InvalidOperationException - "Can't find information about factory method..."
#660 opened by andyste1 - 0
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Support for IAsyncDisposable
#658 opened by robertmircea - 0
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Can't create a logger due to out of date example code and documentation.
#649 opened by JasonAtDrumBrae - 48
Release 6.0.0
#621 opened by jonorossi - 1
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.netstandard compatibility release
#603 opened by rezajp - 3
Deleting obsolete `Castle.Facilities.Logging` code, handling `FacilityConfig`
#616 opened by Jevonius - 1
Missing package Castle.Windsor.Extensions.Hosting
#653 opened by lmorvan - 0
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Review of `FEATURE_ASSEMBLIES` and `ReflectionUtil`
#622 opened by Jevonius - 1
Duplicate named registrations fails silently when using BasedOnDescriptor.Configure
#650 opened by jholzer-cciq - 1
how to get a System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies._TransparentProxy by WindsorContainer
#648 opened by zhongkeruanjiansunny - 1
Using xml-config file for dynamic loading of plugin dll doesn't work in Net6
#647 opened by AndreyPolovodov - 1
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Review conditional compilation symbols
#631 opened by Jevonius - 5
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Constructor selection fails when using interception in one of the dependency graph
#629 opened by cervengoc - 4
windsor 5.1.2 Lifestyle Prewebrequest
#640 opened by gurbeers - 2
Dependency injection extension register services in container and use as default
#627 opened by MestreDosMagros - 1
Castle.Windsor.Extensions.DependencyInjection - Existing Container is cleared of all registrations
#605 opened by DamienLaw - 0
WindsorScopedServiceProvider remains in scope captured at resolve-time (Scope cache was already disposed)
#639 opened by ikkentim - 0
OWIN Self-hosted mode "perwebrequest" lifecycle
#638 opened by ClumsyPenguin - 7
Split hosting extensions from Castle.Windsor.Extensions.DependencyInjection into separate package
#625 opened by ikkentim - 2
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Double generic service where one generic parameter is generic itself and has type constraints
#598 opened by sqeezy - 15
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Error when loading external assemblies
#619 opened by sirosimo - 1
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How do I delete an instance
#620 opened by ZLVincent - 1
Release 5.1.2
#614 opened by jonorossi - 4
ASP.NET Core 6: WebApplicationBuilder Example?
#607 opened by sianabanana - 1
Castle Windsor resolving more dependencies than it releases with SignalR Activator
#609 opened by smedotnet - 4
No Scope available on non-versioned controllers
#596 opened by twenzel - 2
Unclear resolution mechanics - singleton Func<IService> dependency with factory method resolver for a transient IService appears to share instances when the func is invoked
#608 opened by BobbyMorris - 0
Registering components using convention doesn't seem to promote components to proxied when adding interceptors
#602 opened by vengefire - 3
Write in different files with Log4Net CastleWindsor for different CastleWindsor instances
#601 opened by smedotnet - 0
Dispose is called twice when using UsingFactoryMethod with LifestyleTransient
#600 opened by Crabzmatic - 3