
Simulation Code in Python for the paper entitled "Cooperation Optimized Design for Information Dissemination in Vehicular Networks using Evolutionary Game Theory"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to Agent Based Model used in the paper entitled :

Cooperation Optimized Design for Information Dissemination in Vehicular Networks using Evolutionary Game Theory, 2012.

Abhik Banerjee, Vincent Gauthier, Houda Labiod, Hossam Afifi

Info:See the site for more information. See GitHub for the latest source and Online Documentation for the lastest update on the package documentation.
Author:Vincent Gauthier
Maintainer:Vincent Gauthier <vgauthier@luxbulb.org>


This python package an Agent Based Model used in [BAN12] lastest sources could be found at the fllowing repository: GitHub for the latest source.

This Toolbox include:

  • Agent based model use in [BAN12] in the simulation directory
  • Various simulation examples used in [BAN12] could be found in the example directory
  • Human Based Mobility Models in the complex_systems directory
[BAN12](1, 2, 3) Abhik Banerjee, Vincent Gauthier, Houda Labiod, Hossam Afifi, "Cooperation Optimized Design for Information Dissemination in Vehicular Networks using Evolutionary Game Theory", 2012.
[Rhee08]Injong Rhee, Minsu Shin, Seongik Hong, Kyunghan Lee and Song Chong, "On the Levy-walk Nature of Human Mobility", INFOCOM, Arizona, USA, 2008.


You will need sphinx installed to generate the documentation. Documentation can be generated by running sphinx-build -b html . build/. Generated documentation can be found in the doc/build/html/ directory. Or consult the `online documentation`_ .


The easiest way to run the tests is to install nose (easy_install nose) and run nosetests or python setup.py test in the root of the distribution. Tests are located in the tests/ directory.