Luis's Personal Site

Making this site with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and lots of beverages. :coffee: :wine_glass: :beers:


I wanted to create a place where I can post a little bit about me, that was open source so if anyone wanted to help me create a new cool effect for it, improve the code I made or just learn how I like to work using my code could do that.

Also this site will function as the default URL in all my profile accounts. It will provide a way for potential clients to contact me and find more about my work. Finally it will be a window to demonstrate the skills I have learned.


Running the site

This site is created using Yeoman, so it's based in node. If you want to run the site for making an improvement or fork this repo, to install the site

You need to run the following commands in order.

  • Fork and git clone your fork.
  • gem install jekyll
  • gem install sass (Unless you already have Sass gem installed in your computer)

To run the server

You can run the server using jekyll server and it will open your default browser in http://localhost:4000/.