calibrePage is simple PHP content server for calibre.
- Single php file
- Self-contained, no depandence
- Responsive design, fit for mobile and desktop
It is a single file in very simple PHP coding, provides the following features
- List latest books
- List books by labels, author or publisher
- Search book by keyword
- show details of selected books
- download books
(1) Just simply copy any of below php file to your php server
- index-en.php // English verion
- index-cn.php // Simplified Chinese Version
- index-b5.php // Traditional Chinese Version
(2) and copy calibre library to folder "calibre", and it works
(3) rename index-??.php to index.php, and edit the php for the following customization
//----------- all options for the page ---------------
$folder = 'calibre'; // folder of calibre files
$title = 'MyCalibre';
$subtitle = ' - my book library';
$maxBookPerPage = 10;
$about = 'Simple content server for Calibre Book Library. (v0.70@202007)';
$footer = 'All books collected from internet. <b>for private use only</b>';
//----------------- end of options -------------------
This progrm is released under GPLv3 (GNU通用公共許可證)