
Markdown as Web Page/Site

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Casual-Markdown-Page directly render markdown files as web page or web site (ie. markdown-as-webpage).

Empower by a single html file index.html, to load markdown file into web page by the syntax of index.html?file={markdown-file.md}

It is very handy to build simple web-site from markdown files, for example,

or direct render any md file from web. for example


  • single html, all-in-one version index-one.html
  • vanilla javascript, no dependence
  • support all browser (include IE9)
  • dark mode, or customized themes
  • responsive, support mobile

Usage Guide

  1. copy index.html or index-one.html to web server
  2. copy index.md and other files (*.md) to the folder

that's it!

  • by default, it will load index.md as home page.
  • hotkey [alt-s] to show markdown html for developer
  • hotkey [alt-k] to showpage in dark mode
  • for mobile, click on title to show/hide TOC.
  • use front matter for page configuration (title, menu, navigation), for example
github  : https://github.com/casualwriter/casual-markdown 
title   : Casual-Markdown 
style   : #header { background: RoyalBlue } // additional style, optional
menu    :    
  Home            : index.md
  Supported Syntax: md-syntax.md
  md-as-Doc       : md-as-doc.md
  md-as-Page      : md-as-page.md
  md-as-Blog      : md-as-blog.md
  <img src='sunset.svg' width=16>  : javascript:darkmode()
<style title=""additional style, optional">
  .markdown   { max-width:900px; margin:auto }
  #header     { background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, #06c, #fc0) } 
  #left-panel { background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, #eee, #888) }  
  h1, h2      { border-bottom:1px solid grey }
  h2, h3, h4  { color:#06c }  

## {{ title }} 

[casual-markdown]({{github}}) is a super lightweight RegExp-based markdown parser, 
with TOC and scrollspy support

Modification History

  • 2022/08/11, v0.60, initial release.
  • 2022/08/12, add all-in-one version. index-one.html
  • 2022/12/28, v0.62, minor update