
This project is a used to gather data from Kickbase API endpoint and automate various interactions. The data is visualized in a GUI.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Kickbase Insights

This project is a used to gather data from Kickbase API endpoint and visualize it in a web interface, acting as alternative for the pro/member membership.

GitHub License GitHub release (with filter)


This is a hobby project to test stuff with JSON and the cores of Python. Feel free to create issues and contribute.

Table of Contents


You can find some screenshots of the frontend below, not all features are shown.


As of v1.4.0



If you want to run this in a Docker container, you'll first need to set some mandatory environment variables:

Variable Required Description
KB_MAIL Yes Your Kickbase E-Mail.
KB_PASSWORD Yes Your Kickbase password.
KB_LIGA No The name of the league you want to see data for in the GUI. If not set, defaults to the first league you're in.
DISCORD_WEBHOOK Yes The Discord webhook URL to send notifications to.
RUN_SCHEDULE No The cron expression when the script should fetch new information from the API. If not set, defaults to 10 2,6,10,14,18,22 * * *.
START_DATE Yes The date when the season started in format dd.mm.yyyy.
START_MONEY No The amount of money you started with. If not set, defaults to 50.000.000€
TZ No The timezone to use. Defaults to Europe/Berlin


The live points feature is currently on-hold and not present as of v2.4.0! To handle the re-implementation of the live points with more ease, the ports for the backend are not commented out.

docker run

docker run -d \
    --name=kickbase_insights \
    --restart=unless-stopped \
    -p <frontend_port>:3000 -p <backend_port>:5000 \
    -e KB_MAIL=<kickbase_email> \
    -e KB_PASSWORD=<kickbase_password> \
    -e DISCORD_WEBHOOK=<discord_webhook> \
    -e START_DATE=<start_date> \

Docker Compose

version: "3.8"

    image: ghcr.io/casudo/kickbase-insights:latest
    container_name: kickbase_insights
    restart: unless-stopped
      - <frontend_port>:3000 # Web GUI
      - <backend_port>:5000 # Backend API (../api/livepoints)  
      - KB_MAIL=<kickbase_email>
      - KB_PASSWORD=<kickbase_password>
      - DISCORD_WEBHOOK=<discord_webhook>
      - START_DATE=<start_date>

If you run this container in your LAN (via IP), you'll need to change the following line in the App.js file in the frontend/src folder to this (obv. change <backend_port>):

const response = await fetch('http://localhost:<backend_port>/api/livepoints')

If you make this container publically available via a domain, you'll need to create/update the following entry in your reverse proxy:
your.domain.com -> <container_ip_or_hostname>:3000
your.domain.com/api/livepoints -> <container_ip_or_hostname>:5000


In order to this to work, both your reverse proxy and the container need to be in the same network.

In Traefik, the dynamic config would look like this:

      service: kickbase-web
      rule: Host(`your.domain.de`)
        - websecure
        certResolver: cloudflare

      service: kickbase-api
      rule: Host(`your.domain.de`) && PathPrefix(`/api/livepoints`)
        - websecure
        certResolver: cloudflare

          - url: http://<container_hostname>:3000

          - url: http://<container_hostname>:5000


It may take some time to initially start the container, so check the logs!


If you want to contribute to this project, you can follow the steps below to jump right into the development environment.

docker run -dit --name=Kickbase -p <frontend_port>:3000 -p <backend_port>:5000 -e KB_MAIL=<kickbase_mail> -e KB_PASSWORD=<kickbase_password> -e DISCORD_WEBHOOK=<discord_webhook> -e WATCHPACK_POLLING=true -e START_DATE=<start_date> ubuntu

Run this long command to setup the container:

mkdir /code && cd /code && apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt install tree nano python3 python3-pip git curl -y && git clone https://github.com/casudo/Kickbase-Insights.git . && curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_20.x | bash - && apt-get install -y nodejs && pip install --upgrade pip && pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt && mkdir -p frontend/src/data/timestamps && mkdir logs && cd frontend && npm install

If you have this project already cloned, you can run the following command to bind mount the files inside the container:

docker run -dit --name=Kickbase -p <frontend_port>:3000 -p <backend_port>:5000 -e KB_MAIL=<kickbase_mail> -e KB_PASSWORD=<kickbase_password> -e DISCORD_WEBHOOK=<discord_webhook> -e WATCHPACK_POLLING=true -e START_DATE=<start_date> -v <your_folder>\Kickbase-Insights:/code ubuntu

Run this long command to setup the container:

cd /code && apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt install tree nano python3 python3-pip curl -y && curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_20.x | bash - && apt-get install -y nodejs && pip install --upgrade pip && pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt && mkdir -p frontend/src/data/timestamps && mkdir logs && cd frontend && npm install

Now you're ready to go. Keep in mind that you'll first need to run main.py to get the required data for the frontend.
python3 main.py

You'll also need to manually run npm start in the frontend folder as well as python3 -u -m flask run --host= --port=5000 in the /code folder.

Planned for the future


  • Market table: Maybe add ligainsider rating?
  • Add base features
    • Feed
    • Lineup
    • Next matches
    • League table
    • Top players
  • Transfererlöse: Hold player for X days
  • Sum. Transfererlöse: Add custom scale for chart
  • Misc: Unsold starter players
  • Reformat changelog
  • Other menu layout (+ mobile responsive)
  • Back to top button
  • ToC on pages with lot of content
  • Market value graph for players


  • Fix all TODOs
  • Add best practice to seperate duplicate variables names from modules (e.g. user and user. Which one is the module and which one is the variable?)
  • Discord notifications
  • Logging module for entrypoint.py and app.py
  • Add linter/formatter
  • Categorize components to frontend menu
  • Battles: Spieltagsdominator: Fix placements being wrong for people with the same amount of mdWins
  • Change behavior if player has the position number of "0". Instead of defaulting that to "1", do smth else
  • Support for multiple leagues via ports (League 1: 5000, League 2: 5001, etc.)
  • Rename "endpoints" to "classes" and put all of them into one file


  • Add Postman workspace
  • Add Workflow chart
  • Automatically disable caching

Thanks to


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details