
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Introduction Video

YIΞLDBOX - @BoringCrypto at @ETHDubaiConf

Local development

Clone the repo and run yarn

To start hardhat, the sample UI and workbench:

yarn dev

There may be a few errors while things recompile. Be sure to add your Alchemy key to .env and it's recommended to use VSCode with the plugins suggested below.

Setting up your .env

You can include your environment variables in a .env file in the root of your repo. Alternatively you can set an actual environment variable called DOTENV_PATH to point to a central .env file to be used. This way you can use the same environment settings accross multiple projects.

Some useful settings:


Recommended VSCode extentions

  • solidity - Juan Blanco
  • Mocha Test Explorer - Holger Benl
  • Vue Language Features (Volar) - Johnson Chu

Want to help out?

Contact BoringCrypto on Twitter (@Boring_Crypto) or on Discord (BoringCrypto#3523).

To move YieldBox along, help is needed with:

  • Documentation (setting up GitBook and building out docs)
  • Sample apps - Several sample contracts have been created, they need a UI, testing and documentation
    • Salary - stream with optional cliff
    • Escrow -
    • Lending - isolated lending contract
    • Tokenizer - tokenize anything, most useful for NFTs
    • Swap - AMM based off Uni V2
  • Building strategies (you're free to add a fee to your strategy)