
This is a minified working UniswapV2 smart contracts

Primary LanguageSolidity

Minified Uniswapv2 Contracts

This is a minified working version of UniswapV2 smart contracts. All you need to get your own version of uniswap contracts up and running


This is contract has been minified, so no need to scaffold a hardhat or foundry project for it.

  • Use Remix IDE to deploy
  • Deploy the Factory contract first and pass feeSetter address in the constructor
  • After deploying Factory.sol, call the INIT_PAIR_HASH function to get the Init_hash
  • Deploy the WETH9.sol next
  • Inside the UniswapV2Library contract found in the Router.sol, change the Init_hash in the pairFor() function, please remove the 0x prefix
  • Deploy the Router02 contract
  • Deploy the Multicall.sol

Note: Deploying Router02 will throw a contract code exceed 24576 error, to fix this, check optimization on your remix deployment tab and set the runs to 500

Your contract is set to be connected to the V2 interface

Happy Coding