
A GAS (Google App Script) to "post-slack-if-cybozu-live-updated"

How to setup

Specify following parameters to "User Parameter".

Name Description
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL URL to slack incoming-webhook. Visit to setup a webhook.
SLACK_NOTIFY_CHANNEL OPTIONAL slack channel that the script post to. e.g. #random
SLACK_ERROR_NOTIFY_CHANNEL OPTIONAL slack channel that the script post to in case of error. e.g. #random
CYBOZULIVE_CONSUMER_KEY Consumer key of cybozulive API. Visit to setup an application.
CYBOZULIVE_CONSUMER_SECRET Consumer secret of cybozulive API.
CYBOZULIVE_ACCESS_TOKEN Access token of cybozulive API. Limitation: Get it on your own using OAuth.
CYBOZULIVE_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET Access token secret of cybozulive API. Limitation: Get it on your own using OAuth.
CYBOZULIVE_TARGET_GROUP_ID OPTIONAL slack channel that the script watch. e.g. 1:12345

Add a project trigger:

Run Events - -
run Time-driven Minutes timer Every minute