
allows you to convert battleye guids to steamids

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SteamID <-> Battleye GUID Converter


  • NodeJS 10 or higher
  • MySQL Database
  • a lot of free Disk Space (minimum 20GB)

Disk Space Requirements:

Depending on the setting of guid.length in your config the disk requirements are:

  • length of 6: needs 17.6GB Disk Space per billion ids -> uses more CPU per request (but barely noticeable)
  • length of 8: needs 19.6GB Disk Space per billion ids -> requires less CPU per request, but more disk space


The maximum limit of steamids which can be generated is 4,294,967,295 this is the limit of the mysql type INT unsigned


  • Enter your Installation Folder and run npm install
  • Edit the file config.js (documentation in this file included)
    • edit the listenport
    • edit the mysql configuration
  • run the app.js with node preferable with pm2 or another process manager

console.js usage:

If you want to start inserting SteamIDs to the Database execute console.js with node. A prompt should open which asks you what to do, select the first entry and select the amount of ids you want to insert. The amount will be sent to the app.js process which will handle the generation of the steamids, after that you can close the console.js program again, you can always restart the console.js program to track the generator progress

How much GUIDs should be generated?

In order to cover all SteamIDs you should generate around 1 Billion ids

HTTP API usage:

There are 3 endpoints to request ids:

GET /:beguid([a-f0-9]{32})

  • This will retrieve a single SteamID
  • the http status 404 will get sent if the requested id has not been converted succesfully
  • the http status 200 will get sent when the id has been found
  • if found it will send a application/json response
  • the body structure is { data: <steamid> }

GET /:steamid([0-9]{17})

  • This will retrieve a single BattleyeUID
  • this will always convert the steamid to a battleye uid even when its not in a valid range
  • it will send a application/json response
  • the body structure is { data: <beguids> }

POST / [<steamid/beguid>]

  • POST endpoint allows multiple steamids or beguids to be converted
  • it require a application/json body with an array of valid steamids or battleye uids
  • it will send a application/json response
  • it will send http status 400 if the body is not an array
  • it will send http status 400 if the included array given in the body has more keys than set in the config.js
  • it will send http status 400 if one of the keys are invalid formatted (only pattern /^([a-f0-9]{32}|\d{17})$ allowed)
  • the response data will hold the requested steamid / beguid as key and the retrieved value as value, if the beguid was not successfully converted it will have null as value


You can also build this app as a docker image: docker build -t multivit4min/beguid-converter . And the run it using this command: docker run -p 49160:6051 -d multivit4min/beguid-converter This will expose the webserver in port 49160, you can adapt this to the port of your choice.

This is just a very basic Docker image installing dependencies and launching the web server. Networking/database setup is still required. You can open the console.js by opening the container's bash by using docker exec -it 0a17ffd4db41 /bin/bash (replace the container ID with yours) and then running node console.js.