___ _ ___ _ / __\_ _| |_ ___ / __\__ _ _ __| |_ /__\// | | | __/ _ \/ / / _` | '__| __| / \/ \ |_| | || __/ /__| (_| | | | |_ \_____/\__, |\__\___\____/\__,_|_| \__| |___/ Overview ================================= ByteCart is a bukkit plugin that allows to create a railed network using principle of Internet. A cart with a player, or a storage cart, with a destination address recorded in inventory, will be routed through the network to the destination station matching the address. ByteCart provides a set of blocks to create routers and stations according to a predefined network topology. It allows the connection of 45000 stations in 53 regions. Routing tables are stored ingame using a innovative information storage technology using chests. There is no database. A tool is provided to configure automatically the network if you do not have network skills. Features ================================= * Minimum CPU and memory usage, even with a huge network. ByteCart is fully scalable, meaning that whatever the size of your network, the same amount of resources are used to take a cart from one point to another. * Reliable anti-collision system on sensitive points. When a collision is about to occur, a specific algorithm takes path modification decisions to avoid collisions. * Well-known pathfinding algorithm ByteCart implements Djikstra algorithm as used in Internet routing protocol, with the success we know. All paths are precomputed and stored in routing tables. finding the best path is only a read operation on routing tables. * Possibility to form logical trains with a unique destination. Only the head cart must be "byteCart" compliant. * Support Permissions API. Check plugin.yml for available permissions. * WorldEdit compatibility Since there is no external data storage, all world editing tools are compatible with Bytecart. You can duplicate a part of a network to expand it, at little cost of a new automatic configuration session. * Falsebook and Minecart revolution compatibility Installation ================================= Drop ByteCart.jar into the bukkit plugin directory. It will create its own configuration file with default configuration options. Configuration ================================= Check configuration file ByteCart/config.yml to see available configuration parameters. Credits ================================= Developped by Catageek (catageek@free.fr)