- AdriL00PArgentina
- callahan-cw
- cristianomariacumer
- danschlagmoodleSCHULE e.V.
- davidpesceExputo Inc.
- deanmaunder
- dustinbriseboisLambda Solutions
- eviwebLa Tronche, France
- ezvirtualChristchurch, New Zealand
- giolicariItaly
- grawityLithuania
- grogsaxle
- jason-graham
- jjmpspCardiff, Wales, UK
- JorgenIvarssonUmeå University
- jpahulloUniversitat Rovira i Virgili
- juancsJaume I University
- keesfransenITed Services Limited
- Khsime-MarwaneBordeaux
- LukeCarrier@emed-labs (formerly @babylonhealth)
- lukemoynihan@boss-insights
- miotto
- mrcasablr
- obezuk@cloudflare
- ObjectiveTruth
- pkeoganComet Software
- porcospinoLondon School of Economics and Political Science
- praj
- ropertoMelbourne, VIC, Australia
- sertacyildiz
- shareef1989
- slawekb
- ssllqqLithuania
- tomdickmanDiUS
- trejjam@aviationexam @TREMIsro
- willwm@OpenSesame