[Feature]: Add support for .csv output files from DeepLabCut
Closed this issue · 4 comments
What would you like to see added to NeuroConv?
DeepLabCut optionally exports to .csv instead of .h5 (https://deeplabcut.github.io/DeepLabCut/docs/standardDeepLabCut_UserGuide.html), so DeepLabCutInterface should be able to support both types of outputs.
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I have not seen data so far that only has the csv but is a good idea to be robust for that case. Should be an easy implementation as well.
Can you get testing data for this?
Yes, the Jadhav Lab data has .csv DLC data. That's how I found out about this issue.
Are they using only the csv or do they have both csv and h5?
I was asking if we can use our data in our testing suite / gin / s3.
Are they using only the csv or do they have both csv and h5?
Only .csv
Jacob has been cooperative with data sharing with Spikegadgets so we will likely be able to add their data to our gin as well.