The firmware of EAZAO-Zero and the system firmware of the open source EAZAO-Zero printer are modified based on the popular marlin firmware, mainly using functions such as M163. We hope to use EAZAO as an open platform to provide services to ceramic artists and enthusiasts who are beginning to contact ceramic printing.
You can find more models that can be printed directly with EAZAO-zero printers.
You can submit a bug or feature request, file an issue in github issues.
You can join the EAZAO facebook group to exchange questions and share experiences with everyone.
As of recommended in Marlin's development settings, we use PlatformIO plug-in in VScode or Arduino IDE to develop EAZAO-Zero-controller.
Follow Setting up Visual Studio Code to install and setup VSCode.
Follow the Guide to install PlatformIO extension in VSCode.
Follow the Guide to install Arduino IDE.
Download EAZAO-Zero-controller firmware to your local folder.
EAZAO-Zero printer firmware can be updated using Visual Studio Code and Ardunio IDE software
- Use a USB cable to connect your PC to the mainboard
- Use the Open… command in the Arduino File menu to open the downloaded firmware
- Use the Tools command in the Ardunio menu to configure Tools->Boards->Ardunio AVR board->Ardunio Mega or Mega 2560
- Use the Tools command in the Ardunio menu to configure Tools->Processor->ATmega2560(Mega2560)
- Use the Tools command in the Ardunio menu to configure Tools->Port->COMx(COMx refers to the COM interface added after USB connection)
Use the Verify/Compile command in the Ardunio sketch menu to compile the firmware code
Use the Upload command in the Ardunio sketch menu to upload the firmware to main controller
Use a USB cable to connect your PC to the mainboard
Use the Open Folder… command in the VSCode File menu to open the EAZAO-Zero-Controller firmware
After opening the source code in VSCode, you will see an alien avatar icon on the left status bar, which also indicates that PlatformIO has been successfully installed.
- Click on the alien icon (PlatformIO) on the left side of VScode
- Use Project Tasks->Default->General->Build command to compile the code
NOTE: if you build the source for first time, PlatformIO will download the relative libraries and toochains. It may take a few minutes
- Use Project Tasks->Default->General->Upload command to upload the firmware to main controller
- To clean previous build, just click the clean icon, or type command pio run -t clean in the terminal
Marlin is published under the GPL license because we believe in open development. The GPL comes with both rights and obligations. Whether you use Marlin firmware as the driver for your open or closed-source product, you must keep Marlin open, and you must provide your compatible Marlin source code to end users upon request. The most straightforward way to comply with the Marlin license is to make a fork of Marlin on Github, perform your modifications, and direct users to your modified fork.
While we can't prevent the use of this code in products (3D printers, CNC, etc.) that are closed source or crippled by a patent, we would prefer that you choose another firmware or, better yet, make your own.