To start server with docker-compose

(if mvnw is not working for you, install maven and replace mvnw with mvn)

Build package ./mvnw clean package

Build docker image docker build --tag konfetti/backend .

Run service with docker-compose in console docker-compose up

maybe you need to stop & delete old containers before compose-up is working (docker ps -a and then docker stop [ID] then docker rm [ID]) ... if docker-compose up worked you sould see the logs from both containers (backend and DB)

To check if konfetti docker server is running call in your browser: http://localhost:9000/actuator/info

On the first time making a docker-compose up it could be that be startup fails and you dont get a response on localhost:9000 - then stop docker containers with CTRL+C and make again a docker-compose up - this time it should work.

More info on managing docker

Run service with docker-compose as a daemon docker-compose up -d

Show running containers docker ps

Show all containers (also stopped ones) docker ps -a

Show logs from conatiner docker logs (-f) {containerName | containerId}

Log into container docker exec -it {containerName | containerId} bash

Log out from container exit

To start server locally without docker (for experts)

Change into main directory and run command "./mvnw spring-boot:run"

  • service should be running on port 9000

To stop the server:

  • just press CTRL-C in console, or kill the process

To change the Profile, change the value "" in file "api/src/main/resources/"

existing Profiles at the moment: dev -> using mysql for persistenc, adjust values for your mysql server accordingly in file (spring.datasource.user and spring.datasource.password) test -> using H2 inMemory Database

to test if the server is running correctly, call the URL http://localhost:9000/konfetti/api/account

should return something like this "{"clientId":"1","secret":"3915478b-f51d-4306-ab3b-fa7762f4c6bc","userId":"1"}"