

This image is built from nginx and contains the default webserver configuration for OpenCart 2.0.

What's in this image?

This image installs the following:

  • nginx

How to use this image?

This image will work out-of-the-box with Linux-based systems.

To use this image on other systems for local development, create Dockerfile with anything specific to your local development platform.

For example, if using Dinghy on OS X, use:

FROM catataw/docker-opencart-nginx:[TAG]
RUN usermod -u 501 www-data

Then build your custom image:

docker build -t myname/nginx .


The following environment variables are used for Nginx configuration:

  • VIRTUAL_HOST: (default: '') The server name of the virtual host.
  • PHP_HOST: (default: php-fpm) The hostname of the PHP container.
  • PHP_PORT: (default: 9000) The port of the PHP container.

Docker Compose

Please see for more detailed instructions and an example development environment using Docker Compose.