
To post a message to Slack from the command line

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The 'notify_slack' command allows you to post messages to Slack from the command line. Simply pipe the standard output of any command to 'notify_slack', and it will send the output to Slack at a rate of once per second (this interval can be modified using the -interval option).


(same movie) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmKSr9Aoz-Y


It is recommended that you use the binaries available on GitHub Releases. It is advisable to download and use the latest version.

If you have a Go language development environment set up, you can also compile and install the 'notify_slack' tools on your own.

go install github.com/catatsuy/notify_slack/cmd/notify_slack@latest

To build and modify the 'notify_slack' tools for development purposes, you can use the make command.


If you use the make command to build and install the 'notify_slack' tool, the output of the notify_slack -version command will be the git commit ID of the current version.


To post messages to Slack using the 'notify_slack' tool, you can either specify the necessary settings as command line options or in a TOML configuration file. If both options are provided, the command line settings will take precedence.

./bin/output | ./bin/notify_slack

The 'output' tool is used for testing purposes and allows you to buffer and then post messages to Slack.

./bin/notify_slack README.md

To use the Slack Web API and post a file as a snippet, you will need to provide a token and channel. If you want to upload a snippet via standard input, you must specify the -snippet flag. You can also specify a filename to change the name of the file on Slack.

git diff | ./bin/notify_slack -snippet -filename git.diff

The Slack API allows you to specify the filetype of a file when posting it as a snippet. You can also use the -filetype flag to specify the file type. If this flag is not provided, the file type will be automatically determined based on the file's extension. It is important to ensure that the extension of the file accurately reflects its type.

file type | Slack

CLI options

-c string
      config file name
-channel string
      specify channel (unavailable for new Incoming Webhooks)
-channel-id string
      specify channel id (for uploading a file)
      debug mode (for developers)
-filename string
      specify a file name (for uploading to snippet)
-filetype string
      [compatible] specify a filetype for uploading to snippet. This option is maintained for compatibility. Please use -snippet-type instead.
-icon-emoji string
      specify icon emoji (unavailable for new Incoming Webhooks)
-interval duration
      interval (default 1s)
-slack-url string
      slack url (Incoming Webhooks URL)
      switch to snippet uploading mode
-snippet-type string
      specify a snippet_type (for uploading to snippet)
-token string
      token (for uploading to snippet)
-username string
      specify username (unavailable for new Incoming Webhooks)
      Print version information and quit

toml configuration file

By default, check the following files in order.

  1. a file specified with -c
  2. $HOME/.notify_slack.toml
  3. $HOME/etc/notify_slack.toml
  4. /etc/notify_slack.toml

The toml file contains the following information.

url = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/**"
token = "xoxp-xxxxx"
channel = "#general"
channel_id = "C12345678"
username = "tester"
icon_emoji = ":rocket:"
interval = "1s"


  • You will need to specify a url if you want to post messages to Slack as text
    • You can use the following options to customize your message when posting to Slack as text: channel, username, icon_emoji, and interval.
    • Due to a recent change in the specification for Incoming Webhooks, it is currently not possible to override the channel, username, and icon_emoji options when posting to Slack. For more information, please refer to this resource
    • You can create an Incoming Webhooks URL at https://slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook
  • To post a file as a snippet to Slack, you will need to provide both a token and a channel_id.
    • The username and icon_emoji options will be ignored when posting a file as a snippet to Slack.
    • For instructions on how to create a token, please see the next section.
    • You cannot specify a channel because the slack api support only the channel_id.
    • If you don't specify channel_id, the file will be private. So, if you need to post a file public, you must specify channel_id.
    • The Slack API can cause delays, so posting might take longer.

How to create a token

You need to create a token if you use snippet uploading mode.

Create New App

To create a new app and generate a token for use with the Slack API, go to https://api.slack.com/apps and follow these steps:

  1. click Create New App and click From scratch
  2. input application name to App Name
  3. select your workspace on Pick a workspace to develop your app in:
  4. click Create App

Basic Information

  1. click Permissions on Add features and functionality
  2. select files:write on Scopes and click Save Changes. You are able to choose Bot Token Scopes or User Token Scopes

OAuth & Permissions

  1. click Install to Workspace on OAuth Tokens for Your Workspace
  2. install your app
  3. copy OAuth Access Token beginning with xoxp- or Bot User OAuth Access Token beginning with xoxb-

Add apps

  1. click channel name on the channel which you want to post
  2. click Integrations and Add an App in Apps
  3. choose your app

(Advanced) Environment Variables

Some settings for the Slack API can be provided using environment variables.


Using environment variables to specify settings for the 'notify_slack' tool can be useful if you are deploying it in a containerized environment. It allows you to avoid the need for a configuration file and simplifies the process of managing and updating settings.