
half is an extremely simple language.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


half is an extremely simple language.

Half (interpreter/translator in Windows Batch)

I don't know why I'm answering so many puzzles in windows batch, for some sick reason I think I'm enjoying it :P Anyways, this is similar to something I worked on for fun a while ago, a basic language that's translated to windows batch by a script that is also written in windows batch. It's not particularly amazing, but it works.

99 Bottles of Beer

# Initialize variables
bottles ~ 99
# You can't directly compare a literal value
zero ~ 0

# This makes a point 'loop' that can be jumped to or used as a subroutine
mark loop
    write $ bottles
# You only need quotes when you have leading or trailing spaces
    print ~ " bottles of beer on the wall,"
    write $ bottles
    print ~ " bottles of beer."
    print ~ Take one down and pass it around,
    bottles @ bottles-1
    bottles equ zero
        jump none
    write $ bottles
    print ~ " bottles of beer on the wall."
    print ~
jump loop

mark none
    print ~ no more bottles of beer on the wall.
    print ~
    print ~ No more bottles of beer on the wall,
    print ~ No more bottles of beer.
    print ~ Go to the store and buy some more,
    print ~ 99 bottles of beer on the wall.


Only three tokens are recognized on each line, separated by spaces.

# is a comment.

In most cases where a value is needed, a $ in the second token signifies that the third should be treated as a variable name, whereas a ~ denotes a literal value. General instructions take the form <instruction> [$~] <name>. Setting a variable takes the same form, but is implemented whenever is not recognized.

Defined commands:

  • print and write both write output, but write does not add a newline. Needs $ or ~.
  • mark creates a point that can be jumped to or called as a subroutine.
  • jump equivalent of goto in batch (or any language for that matter).
  • proc calls a subroutine. Equivalent of call :label.
  • return returns from a subroutine. Will exit the program when not inside one.
  • if conditional instruction. Takes comparison from the next line, in the form <var1> <operator> <var2>. Operators are the same as if's in batch, ie. EQU, NEQ, LSS, LEQ, GTR, GEQ. Will execute instructions after it only if the comparison is true.
  • endif ends an if statement.
  • cat concatenates two variables. cat a b will store the value of ab in a.

When none of these commands are found, the expression is treated as a variable assignment, using the first token as the variable name. $ and ~ behave the same as in print, but there is also a @ identifier. This treats the last token as a mathematical expression, passed to set /a. It includes most operators. If none of the three identifiers are found, this is a syntax error and the interpreter exits.

Interpreter (Windows Batch)

The interpreter actually translates the code into windows batch, places it in a temporary file and executes it. While it recognizes syntax errors in the Half language, the resulting batch script may cause issues, especially with special characters like parentheses, vertical bars etc.

@echo off

REM Half Interpreter / Translator

if exist ~~.bat del ~~.bat
if not exist "%1" call :error "File not found: '%1'"
set error=
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
call :parse "%1" 1>~~.bat
if exist ~~.bat if not "error"=="" ~~.bat 2>nul
goto :eof

set ifstate=0
echo @echo off
echo setlocal
echo setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "eol=# tokens=1,2* delims= " %%a in (%~1) do  (
    if "!ifstate!"=="1" (
        if /i not "%%b"=="equ" if /i not "%%b"=="neq" if /i not "%%b"=="lss" if /i not "%%b"=="leq" if /i not "%%b"=="gtr" if /i not "%%b"=="geq" call :error "Unknown comparator: '%%b'"
        echo if "^!%%a^!" %%b "^!%%c^!" ^(
        set ifstate=0
    ) else (
        if "%%a"=="print" (
            if "%%b"=="$" (
                echo echo.^^!%%c^^!
            ) else if "%%b"=="~" (
                echo echo.%%~c
            ) else call :error "Unknown identifier for print: '%%b'"
        ) else if "%%a"=="write" (
            if "%%b"=="$" (
                echo echo^|set/p="^!%%c^!"
            ) else if "%%b"=="~" (
                echo echo^|set/p="%%~c"
            ) else call :error "Unknown identifier for write: '%%b'"
        ) else if "%%a"=="mark" (
            if not "%%c"=="" call :error "Unexpected token: %%c"
            echo :%%b
        ) else if "%%a"=="jump" (
            if not "%%c"=="" call :error "Unexpected token: %%c"
            echo goto :%%b
        ) else if "%%a"=="proc" (
            if not "%%c"=="" call :error "Unexpected token: %%c"
            echo call :%%b
        ) else if "%%a"=="return" (
            if not "%%c"=="" call :error "Unexpected tokens: %%b %%c"
            if not "%%b"=="" call :error "Unexpected token: %%b"
            echo goto :eof
        ) else if "%%a"=="if" (
            if not "%%c"=="" call :error "Unexpected tokens: %%b %%c"
            if not "%%b"=="" call :error "Unexpected token: %%b"
            set ifstate=1
        ) else if "%%a"=="endif" (
            if not "%%c"=="" call :error "Unexpected tokens: %%b %%c"
            if not "%%b"=="" call :error "Unexpected token: %%b"
            echo ^)
        ) else if "%%a"=="cat" (
            echo set "%%b=^!%%b^!^!%%c^!"
        ) else (
            if "%%b"=="$" (
                echo set "%%a=!%%c!"
            ) else if "%%b"=="~" (
                echo set "%%a=%%~c"
            ) else if "%%b"=="@" (
                echo set/a"%%a=%%c"
            ) else call :error "Unknown tokens '%%a %%b %%c'"
echo endlocal
goto :eof

echo.Parse Error: %~1 1>&2
set error=1
goto :eof