
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Toxicity Reference Database (ToxRefDB) 2.0


This repository contains documentation, code, and examples for Toxicity Reference Database (ToxRefDB). Some of the files in this repo are part of the supplemental materials for the linked publication and are labeled here accordingly.

Summary data files can be found on the ftp site here

MySQL database dump and schema can be found on the ftp site here

Below are all the files available in this repo along with a brief description:

  • current directory

  • README.md: this file

  • ToxRefDB_UserGuide.pdf: a user guide that provides in-depth documentation on ToxRefDB with example use cases.

  • toxref_mysql_connect.py.example: a generic method used by scripts in this repo to connect to a MySQL server.

  • bmd_pipeline: This directory contains code that implements the bmd pipeline using the python-bmds package.

  • part1_preparing_data.ipynb (Supplemental File 8 ): load and prepare all bmd-amenable datasets from ToxRefDB

  • part2_running_bmds_models.ipynb (Supplemental File 9): run BMDS models on bmd-amenable datasets from part1

  • part3_uploading_results.ipynb (Supplemental File 10): upload BMDS outputs to the database

  • summary_files:

  • bmd_tables.ipynb: generates the spreadsheet with all bmd values, which is available on the ftp site here.

  • ** ***toxrefdb_bmd.xlsx: (generated with bmd_tables.ipynb) the BMD-related tables from toxrefdb_2_0.

  • BMDvsPOD.Rmd: R markdown file to generate the BMD and POD comparisons.

  • cancer_effects.xlsx (Supplemental File 11): subset of effects that were linked to the previous "endpoint_category" "carcinogenic".

  • effect_groups.ipynb: generates Supplemental File 7, which are the effect and endpoint groupings to generate PODs and associated effect levels.

  • ** ***effect_groups.xlsx: (generated with effect_groups.ipynb) effect groups used fo effect profiles in toxrefdb_2_0

  • endpoint_effect_mapping.xlsx (Supplemental File 3): the endpoint and effect mapping from ToxRefDB v1 to ToxRefDB v2.

  • endpoints_and_effect.ipynb: generates Supplemental File 2, which is the ToxRefDB v2 endpoint and effect terminology along with the UMLS cross-references.

  • generate_umls_file.sql: the query used to generate, in part, Supplemental File 2.

  • guideline_profiles.ipynb: generates Supplemental File 6, which are all of the guideline profiles that correspond to OCSPP 870 series health effects testing guidelines or NTP specifications.

  • ** ***guideline_profiles.xlsx: (generated with guideline_profiles.ipynb) the guideline profiles developed based on toxrefdb_2_0 to infer negatives and differentiate these observations from untested

  • pod_tables.ipynb: generates chemical- and study-level PODs and associated effect levels for a given effect grouping, which are available on the ftp site here

  • ** ***chemical_level_pods_profile1.xlsx: (generated with pod_tables.ipynb) Point of departure (POD) values by chemical entity using effect profile 1 as described in Watford et al. (submitted 2019)

  • ** ***chemical_level_pods_profile2.xlsx: (generated with pod_tables.ipynb) Point of departure (POD) values by chemical entity using effect profile 2 as described in Watford et al. (submitted 2019)

  • ** ***study_level_pods_profile1.xlsx: (generated with pod_tables.ipynb) Point of departure (POD) values by study ID using effect profile 1 as described in Watford et al. (submitted 2019)

  • ** ***study_level_pods_profile2.xlsx: (generated with pod_tables.ipynb) Point of departure (POD) values by study ID using effect profile 1 as described in Watford et al. (submitted 2019)

  • **toxrefdb_2_0_data_dictionary.csv: defines all tables and fields in the database, and can be used as a reference to explain column headers in summary_files and study_flat_files.

  • ToxRef2_0_figures.ipynb: generates Figure 1 in the ToxRefDB publication

  • toxref_citations.ipynb: generates Supplemental File 1, which are all the PubMed articles that cite the seminal 2009 ToxRefDB publications.

  • calculate_pods.ipynb: systematically calculate chemical- and study-level PODs and associated effect levels for a given effect grouping. Also includes code to upload the values to a local database.

  • unit_standardization.xlsx (Supplemental File 5): export of the "unit_standardization" table, which includes the original unit extracted from the document and the corresponding corrected, standardized unit.

  • study_flat_files:

  • study_files.ipynb: generates study-level flat files that contain all information for a given study. These flat files are available on the ftp site here

  • **The study_flat_files folder contains a .xlsx file for each study unit extracted in toxrefdb_2_0. Within each .xlsx file, separate worksheets are included for:

  • ** ***study: study meta information

  • ** ***dosedTreatmentGroup: the treatment groups in the study

  • ** ***dosedTreatmentGroupEffect: the effects by treatment group and lifestage; only populated if effects were observed

  • ** ***negativeEndpoint: Negative endpoints for the study (based on logic to interpret the guideline profile for the study); only populated if a guideline profile was available for the study type/guideline

  • ** ***negativeEffect: Negative effects for the study (based on logic to interpret the guideline profile for the study); only populated if a guideline profile was available for the study type/guideline

  • ** ***pointOfDeparture: Using effect profile 2 (endpoints grouped according to endpoint category, endpoint type, or endpoint target), POD values (NEL, LEL, NOAEL, LOAEL) are reported; only populated if effects were observed

  • ** ***BMDContinuousInput: Input from the study for continuous BMDS version 2.7 modeling using Python-BMDS

  • ** ***BMDSDichotomousInput: Input from the study for dichotomous BMDS version 2.7 modeling using Python-BMDS

  • ** ***BMDSModels: the BMDS version 2.7 output for the input data provided from the study. Note, all models are listed, and are not filtered for whether they are recommended or not. Use with caution.