
Provide a mechanism for "default" values

johschmitz opened this issue · 1 comments

One example for this is a default output filename if none is provided.

Use a struct

if you make your own struct, you can set default arguments for each of the values.

namespace fs = std::filesystem;
struct cli_args {
    bool help{false};
    fs::path filename{"/some/default/path/location/file.txt"}
    // ...

auto cli_parser(cli_args& args) {
    return clara::Help(
        | clara::Opt(args.filename, "filename")[-f][--file]("filename of something")
        |  // ...

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    auto args = cli_args{};
    auto parser = cli_parser(args);
    auto const parsed = args.parse(clara::Args(argc, argv));
    // ...

For more control, I use a class with const accessors, which also has some private only variables used for lifetime of some things; and I make cli_parser a member function, and have a parse member function too.

For example; here is a simple one I am using myself:

class cli_args {
	auto parser() noexcept -> clara::Parser& { return m_parser; }

	template <typename... Args>
	auto parse(Args&&... args) -> decltype(auto) {
		return m_parser.parse(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

	bool constexpr help() const noexcept { return m_help; }
	auto constexpr tree() const noexcept -> std::string const& { return m_tree; }
	auto constexpr list_dir() const noexcept -> fs::path const& { return m_list_dir; }
	auto constexpr workers() const noexcept { return m_workers; }
	auto constexpr log() noexcept -> std::ostream& { return m_log; }
	auto constexpr output_dir() const noexcept -> fs::path const& { return m_output_dir; }

	bool m_help{false};
	std::string m_tree{"output"};
	fs::path m_list_dir{data_dir};
	unsigned int m_workers{std::max(std::thread::hardware_concurrency(), 1u)};
	std::ostream m_log{std::clog.rdbuf()};
	std::ofstream m_log_{};
	fs::path m_output_dir{data_dir};

	clara::Parser m_parser{clara::Help(m_help)
	                       | clara::Opt(m_tree, "tree-name")["-t"]["--tree"]("name of the TTree to use")
	                       | clara::Opt(m_list_dir, "dirname")["-i"]["--list-dir"]("directory of list files")
	                       | clara::Opt(m_workers, "number")["-j"]["--workers"]("number of parallel workers")
	                       | clara::Opt(
	                           [&](fs::path const& filename) {
		                           return clara::ParserResult::ok(clara::ParseResultType::Matched);
	                           "filename")["-l"]["--log"]("set log file")
	                       | clara::Opt(m_output_dir, "dirname")["-o"]["--output"]("output directory")};