
TypedComm is a library for typescript projects that lets you define a protocol for communication using an typescript interface, through it's keys and values

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


TypedComm is a library for typescript projects that lets you define a protocol for communication using an typescript interface, through it's keys and values


    npm install typedcomm --save


This library provides two main functionalities:

  • Send and Receive: A function that is used to send messages (SendFunction) and another to receive those messages (AddReceiverFunction).
  • Request and Response: A function that is used to request (RequestFunction), another is used to respond (AddResponderFunction).

Sending has no response, while requesting has a response. So you use Send when you want to fire and forget, and you use request when you expect a response.


type SendFunction<P extends {[key: string]: any}> = <K extends keyof P>(
    key: K, message: P[K],
) => void;

It has a type parameter that specifies the protocol. The protocol looks like this:

interface ExampleProtocol {
    "A": string,
    "B": {
        res: number,
    // etc...

The function maps the "message" parameter type to the value pointed by the "key" in the Protocol.


type AddReceiverFunction<P extends {[key: string]: any}> = <K extends keyof P>(
    key: K, handler: (message: P[K]) => void) => {cancel: () => void};

It has a type parameter that specifies a protocol like SendFunction. The function maps the request parameter in the handler lambda to the value pointed by "key" in the protocolAdditionally, it returns an object that lets you cancel the receiver.


type RequestFunction<P extends {[key: string]: any}> = <K extends keyof P>(
    key: K, request: P[K]["in"],
) => P[K]["out"];

It has a type parameter that specifies the protocol. The protocol looks like this:

interface ExampleProtocol {
    "A": {
        in: string,
        out: string,
    "B": {
        in: number,
        out: {res: number}
    // etc...

The function maps the "request" parameter type to the "in" in the object pointed by the "key" in the Protocol, and the return type to the "out" in the same object.

A promise version is also available "RequestFunctionAsync".


type AddResponderFunction<P extends {[key: string]: any}> = <K extends keyof P>(
    key: K, handler: (request: P[K]["in"]) => P[K]["out"]) => {cancel: () => void};

It has a type parameter that specifies a protocol like RequestFunction. The function maps the request parameter in the handler lambda to the "in" pointed by "key" in the protocol, and the return of the lambda is pointed by "out". Additionally, it returns an object that lets you cancel the responder.

Just like the RequestFunction, there's also a Promise version called AddResponderFunctionAsync.

createRequester and createResponder

interface IEventReceiver {
    addListener(event: string, listener: (response: any) => void): void;
    removeListener(event: string, listener: (response: any) => void): void;
interface IEventSender {
    emit(event: string, ...args: any[]): boolean;

function createRequester<Protocol>(
    eventReceiver: IEventReceiver,
    eventSender: IEventSender,
    timeout: number = 2000,
    ): RequestFunctionAsync<Protocol>;

function createResponder<Protocol>(
    eventReceiver: IEventReceiver,
    eventSender: IEventSender,
    ): AddResponderFunctionAsync<Protocol>

This method will implement a protocol using the input and output objects that resemble event emitters. See the tests for understanding better how this works.

Full Example

Example of a client / server communication typed with a protocol defined in a shared.ts file.


import { AddResponderFunction, RequestFunction } from "typedcomm";

interface ITwoWayProtocol {
    "START": {
        in: {},
        out: {pieces: [string]},
    "PLAY": {
        in: {piece: string, to: number},
        out: {success: boolean},

    // any new message is added here
interface IOneWayProtocol {
    "LOG": string;
    "END": null;

    // any new message is added here

interface IServerToClientCommunicator {
    addResponder: AddResponderFunction<ITwoWayProtocol>;
    addReceiver: AddReceiverFunction<IOneWayProtocol>;

interface IClientToServerCommunicator {
    request: RequestFunction<ITwoWayProtocol>;
    send: SendFunction<IOneWayProtocol>;


import {IClientToServerCommunicator} from "shared";

const server: IClientToServerCommunicator = /* insert here code that sets up a communicator, e.g. connect to a server */;

// if "START" is first argument, second is typed to {} and return is {pieces: [string]}
const pieces = server.request("START", {}).pieces;

// if "PLAY" is first argument, second is typed to {piece: string, to: number} and return is {success: boolean}
if (server.request("PLAY", {piece: pieces[0]}).success) {
    // if "LOG" is first argument, second is typed to string
    server.send("LOG", "YEY");
} else {
    server.send("LOG", ":(");

// if "END" is first argument, second is typed to string
server.send("END", null);


import {IServerToClientCommunicator} from "shared";

const client: IServerToClientCommunicator = /* insert here code that waits for a connection to be established */;

// if "START" is first argument, param in lambda is typed to {} and the lambda has to return {pieces: string[]}
client.addResponder("START", ({}) => {
    const pieces = ["A", "B", "C"];

    const cancelResponders: Array<{cancel: () => void}> = [];

    // if "START" is first argument,
    // param in lambda is typed to {piece: string} and the lambda has to return {success: boolean}
    const cancelPlay = client.addResponder("PLAY", ({piece}) => {
        return {success: pieces.indexOf(piece) !== -1};

    // if "LOG" is first argument,
    // param in lambda is typed to string
    const cancelLog = client.addReceiver("LOG", (message) => {
        console.log("Client said: " + message);

    // if "END" is first argument,
    // param in lambda is typed to null
    const cancelEnd = client.addReceiver("END", () => {
        for (const canceller of cancelResponders) {


    return {pieces};