===== README.md =====
- Docker
- Go
- awslocal
- Air (optional)
- Get DDB running locally with localstack
$ docker compose up -d
- Create test DDB table
$ aws --endpoint-url= dynamodb create-table --table-name test --attribute-definitions AttributeName=pk,AttributeType=S AttributeName=sk,AttributeType=S --key-schema AttributeName=pk,KeyType=HASH AttributeName=sk,KeyType=RANGE --billing-mode PAY_PER_REQUEST
- optional, this should hot rebuild for view and code changes but it wasn't always working perfectly
$ export DDB_TABLE=test
$ cd roundest
$ air
- Use the go cli to run the project
$ export DDB_TABLE=test
$ cd roundest
$ go run ./
$ ngrok start --all
- Go to
- Download all pokemon images
- Create pokemon in DDB table
- Home page that has two random pokemon to vote from
- Leaderboard page that shows most voted for