
telegram bot to search for donations in chats and channels

Primary LanguagePython


Telegram bot to search for donations in chats and channels

Install Guide


  1. Python Installation: This script requires Python, specifically version 3.12, due to compatibility with libraries used. Here are the steps to install Python 3.12:

    • Ubuntu/Linux:

      sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
      sudo apt update
      sudo apt install python3.12 python3.12-venv python3.12-dev
    • Windows: Download and install Python 3.12 from Python Releases for Windows. During installation, make sure to check the option 'Add Python 3.12 to PATH'.

    • macOS: Install Homebrew if it's not already installed:

      /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

      Then, install Python 3.12 using Homebrew:

      brew install python@3.12
      brew link --overwrite python@3.12

    Verify the installation by checking the Python version:

    python3.12 --version
  2. Setting Up Venv: First, create venv for the project with this command:

    python3.12 -m venv venv

    Next, activate venv:

    source venv/bin/activate
  3. Install Dependencies: install all required dependencies with this command:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Install Docker and Docker Compose: install Docker with guide and Docker Compose with this guide.

  5. Run project: run this docker compose command:

    docker compose up --build
  6. Telegram API Credentials: You need a Telegram API api_id and api_hash. These are obtained by registering your application on Telegram’s website. Here's how:

    • Go to my.telegram.org.
    • Log in with your Telegram account.
    • Click on 'API development tools' and fill out the form to create a new application.
    • Once created, you'll receive your api_id and api_hash.
  7. Internet Connection: Since the script interacts with Telegram's servers, an active internet connection is required.

  8. A Telegram Account: The script will run under your Telegram account, so ensure you have access to the account you intend to use.

  9. Environment Variables: copy env.example content into .env file with this command:

    [ ! -f .env ] && cp env.example .env

    And insert these variables into your .env file:

    • ENV is prod/dev (dev is default).
    • TELEGRAM_API_ID is from my.telegram.org api_id.
    • TELEGRAM_API_HASH is from my.telegram.org api_hash.
    • TELEGRAM_CHAT_SEND_TO is Telegram Chat ID where bot should send donation messages to (for dev purposes it's usually your test chat).

    Attention! To get Chat ID, you should copy your public chat URL and insert it into "CHAT_URL" in get_chat_id script.

    Once you've done it, run the script. You see the output like:

    Id for chat YOUR_CHAT_URL is -YOUR_CHAT_ID

    Copy chat ID (exactly negative number!) into TELEGRAM_CHAT_SEND_TO env variable.

  10. Setting up your test environment: You should test the bot functions with your test chat. Here's how to do that:

    • Create a public chat or channel in Telegram
    • Add @freegan_catebi_leshiy_bot into your chat
    • Give it Admin role and make sure bot is allowed to send messages in the chat

Additional Description

  • At the first launch, in the terminal you will need to enter the phone number to which your Telegram account is linked
  • You can read about TelegramClient methods here
  • When the program runs, it creates catebi_freegan.session file with information about the session, so that in the future do not re-enter the data (in general, user (bot) data can be written in the code)


  • in the Chat library - a small group chat (group) - and Channel are different concepts, and the message reference part of the code only works with Channel. It's hard to encounter anything in nature that isn't a channel and causes an error unless you create a small closed group and send messages to yourself. Anything with a public username is already a channel.
  • The user or bot must be a member of the group from which it is planned to send messages.

Bot Config

Bot config is config.yaml file.

Config structure:

  - <telegramChatUrl1>
  - <telegramChatUrl2>

  developers: "@<telegramAccount1Name>, @<telegramAccount2Name>"
  topic_id: <telegramChatTopicId>

  - name: 'group 1'
      - 'миска'
      - 'кот'
      - 'купить'

Configs keys descriptions:

  • chats (only in config.dev.yaml for testing purposes): list of links where bot looks for donation messages. On the prod environment, donation chats list is returned from catebi API request.
  • sys_logging: settings for bot logs, where developers - list of usernames to ping about some logs, topic_id- Telegram chat topic where bot sends logs to
  • groups: a bunch of keywords on a specific sub-topic with filters, where name - group name, keywords - list of keywords about what we are looking for in donation messages, include_keywords - list of keywords that must be in a message to filter irrelevant occurrences of keywords, exclude_keywords - list of keywords that must NOT be in a donation message.

If a message contains both include_keywords and exclude_keywords entries, exclude_keywords entry has the highest priority so this message must NOT be sent.

Important! Content in include_keywords and exclude_keywords should be in lemmatized form. You can get word lemmatization form in freegan_nlp.ipynb. just insert text for lemmatization in cell with text variable:

text = "продаю"

And run all cells in notebook. Look for this cell:

lemmatized_text = process_text(text)

This cell output shows the word lemmatization form. For instance:
