A package that wraps net/http/httptest
and allows you to easily test HTTP Handlers.
✅ Easy
✅ Intuitive
✅ Support application/json
✅ Support application/x-www-form-urlencoded
✅ Support multipart/form-data
✅ Support Echo package
✅ Support cookie
go get -u github.com/cateiru/go-http-easy-test/v2
The user can choose from the following two options.
- Actually start the server using
- Mock the Handler arguments (
w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request
package main_test
import (
func Handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
...do something
func TestHandler(t *testing.T) {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/", Handler)
// create server
s := easy.NewMockServer(mux)
// Start the server with TLS using:
// s := server.TestNewMockTLSServer(mux)
defer s.Close()
// Option: You can set cookies.
cookie := &http.Cookie{
Name: "name",
Value: "value",
// GET
resp := s.Get(t, "/")
resp := s.GetOK(t, "/")
resp := s.Post(t, "/", "text/plain", body)
resp := s.PostForm(t, "/", url) // application/x-www-form-urlencoded
resp := s.PostJson(t, "/", obj) // application/json
resp := s.PostString(t, "/", "text/plain", body)
// Easily build multipart/form-data
form := easy.NewMultipart()
form.Insert("key", "value")
resp := s.PostFormData(t, "/", form)
resp := s.FormData(t, "/", "[method]", form)
// Other
resp := s.Do(t, "/", "[method]", body)
// The `resp` of all return values are easy to compare.
// Check status
resp.Status(t, 200)
// get body
body := resp.Body().String()
// Compare response body
resp.EqBody(t, body)
resp.EqJson(t, obj)
// prase response json
body := new(JsonType)
err := resp.Json(body)
// returns Set-Cookie headers
cookies := resp.SetCookies()
package main_test
import (
func Handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
...do something
func EchoHandler(c echo.Context) error {
...do something
func TestHandler(t *testing.T) {
// Default
m, err := easy.NewMock(body, http.MethodGet, "/")
m, err := easy.NewMockReader(reader, http.MethodGet, "/")
// GET
m, err := easy.NewGet(body, "/")
// POST or PUT send json
m, err := easy.NewJson("/", data, http.MethodPost)
// POST or PUT send x-www-form-urlencoded
m, err := easy.NewURLEncoded("/", url, http.MethodPost)
// POST or PUT send multipart/form-data
// Easily build multipart/form-data using the `contents` package.
m, err := easy.NewFormData("/", multipart, http.MethodPost)
// Option: set remote addr
// Option: You can set cookies.
cookie := &http.Cookie{
Name: "name",
Value: "value",
// Set handler and run
// Use echo package
echoCtx := m.Echo()
err := EchoHandler(echoCtx)
// check response
m.Status(t, 200)
// Compare response body
m.EqBody(t, body)
m.EqJson(t, obj)
// prase response json
body := new(JsonType)
err := m.Json(body)
// returns Set-Cookie headers
cookies := m.SetCookies()
// Return http.Response
response := m.Response()
// set-cookie
cookie := m.FindCookie("name")
Easily create multipart/form-data
This method is used when submitting with multipart/form-data
package main
import (
func main() {
m := easy.NewMultipart()
// Add a string format form.
err := m.Insert("key", "value")
// Add a file format form.
file, err := os.Open("path")
err := m.InsertFile("key", file)
// Outputs in the specified format.
body := m.Export()
contentType := m.ContentType()
// Use `handler` package
// Actually start the server using `httptest.NewServer`
s := server.NewMockServer(mux)
defer s.Close()
resp := s.PostFormData(t, "/", m)
// Mock the Handler arguments (`w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request`)
m, err := mock.NewFormData("/", m, http.MethodPost)