Easier to write things down then trying to remember what you forgot.
Working on web development projects is changing rapidly and constantly.
Resources are available everywhere but some are outdated and only some help with solving your problem.
Easier to review notes on how you solved it last time than googling and going through all the articles again.
Too much Googling can lead to a waste of time.
Track your development
Notes are written in Markdown
Using IA Writer and Microsoft Visual Studio Code to edit the docs.
Site generated with MkDocs
Deciding factor was the ability to push docs to gh-pages on Github.
Essentially free hosting for my document notebook.
Notes for setting up notebook in notebook.
Creating Project Documentation
Uses markdown.
Works with github pages.
Every project will have their own documentation
Styleguide should be included (frontend)
Project goals and requirements
Notes about development
Setup/install instructions
Resolution to issues (ongoing FAQ for the projects)
Documentation pages stay in gh-pages branch.
Create project directory and CD into it
Install mkdocs as dev dependency - pipenv install mkdocs --dev
Create mkdocs direcotry - mkdocs new sitedocs
sitedocs\docs is where the markdown goes.
sitedocs\mkdocs.yml - your table of contents.
mkdocs serve
- local development server http://localhost:8000
mkdocs gh-deploy
- build docs and push to gh-pages repo in github after committing.
site_name : Development Notes for Johan Martin
repo_url : https://github.com/catenare/devnotes
site_description : Notes tracking for developing different apps.
site_author : Johan Martin (http://www.johan-martin.com)
repo_name : ' GitHub'
edit_uri : edit/master/md/
# docs_dir: 'md'
# site_dir: 'docs'
copyright : Johan Martin © 2017
markdown_extensions :
- pymdownx.tilde
theme : ' material'
pages :
- Home : ' index.md'
- Section :
- ' Page Sites ' : ' page.md'
- Section :
- sub1 : ' sub1.md'
- sub2 : ' sub2.md'
added pymdownx.tilde
extension to get strikethrough to work.
Using mkdocs gh-deploy
to upload docs.
Additional setup notes
Installing Markdown Extensions
Fixing Issues with MkDocs
404 error for home page/front page - github gh-pages hosting.: Seems like the home page has to point to an "index.md" page for it to work.
RuntimeError: Click will abort further execution because Python 3 was configured to use ASCII as encoding for the environment. Consult http://click.pocoo.org/python3/for mitigation steps.
Fix with:
> export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
> export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
Importing docs into Github
Already being used by MkDocs.
Would like to use with Sphinx if I convert my documentation to Sphinx.
Updated notes about WordPress CLI
24 April 2018 - Added API section. PHP, Python, Node.js frameworks related creating APIs.
* Added notes about pipenv
25 April 2018 - Added Jupyter notebook with support for TypeScript, JavaScript and Ruby.
Refactor documents to simplify and make relevant.
Web Development