
Show DataLad dataset hierarchy level on your starship shell prompt

MIT LicenseMIT

DataLad starship prompt module


Custom module for the starship prompt to mark the current DataLad dataset.

If your current directory is inside a DataLad dataset, the prompt will display the marker DS~N, where N is the level of the dataset in the nested subataset hierarchy:

  • DS~0: root superdataset
  • DS~1: first-level subdataset
  • ... etc


  • The module considers a nested subdataset any dataset located in a subdirectory of the current dataset, even though not technically installed as a subdataset (e.g. if created by datalad create or datalad clone without -d .).
  • Currently only supports bash. Contributions are welcome to make it cross-shell/cross-platform!


To enable the module, add the contents of starship.toml to your starship.toml config file.

💡 Pro tip: place this module next to the git branch module to see at a glance where you are in both git and DataLad 'space'.