
simple wavetable conversion utility

Primary LanguageC++


this is a simple command-line utility to process single-cycle waveforms.


the main motivator for this tool is a need to convert arbitrary sound files to the format expected by SuperCollider's Osc family of wavetable-oscillator UGens.

the first limitation of Osc et al, is that the size of their buffers must be a power of two.

if that can be provided, it is still inconvenient to convert external sound files to the "position, delta" format within SuperCollider.

this tool aims to eliminate this pain point.


as a sort of bonus, i've added a basic "multi-sampling" feature. this produces multiple copies of the waveform with successively higher frequencies removed, making them suitable for use in a band-limited wavetable synth.

nigel redmond has an excellent description of the bandlimited-wavetable method on his earlevel.com blog.


requires libsndfile, cmake, and a c++ compiler supporting c++17.

build using cmake. the canonical steps for an out-of-tree build apply:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_RELEASE_TYPE=Release
cmake --build .

this will produce the wttool executable.

tested with linux and macOS.


wttool <options>

this will process one input file to one or more output files.

wttool accepts a number of arguments. each can take a short form or a long form, and all have defaults:

  • -i, --input : path to input file (default input.wav)
  • -o, --output : path to output file (defult output.wav)
  • -n, --length : output length in samples (default 0 == same as input)
  • -t, --interpolation : sets the interpolation order. "0" is sample-and-hold, "1" is linear, "2" is cubic. (sinc and others not yet implemented.)
  • -p, --poweroftwo : flag; if set, wttool will round the output frame count up to the next power of two. (default: false)
  • -s, --supercollider : flag; if set, wttool will convert the output to SuperCollider's "position, delta" format. (incidentally doubling the frame count.)
  • -z, --zero : flag; if set, will trim start and end points of output file to the first/last "zero crossing" (defined here as the first sample that is within (2x float-epsilon) of zero.)
  • -m, --multi_count : number of multi-sampled variants to create. the 1-based interval number is appended to the base output filename for each bandlimited file.
  • -v, --multi_interval : spacing of lowpass cutoff frequencies, in intervals per octave


wttool --input AKWF_sinharm_0001.wav --output AKWF_sinharm_0001_sc.wav --interpolation 1 --poweroftwo --supercollider

the AKWF collection is a well-known library of single-cycle waveforms. unfortunately they are all 600 samples long, so it has historically been painful to use them as sources for SuperCollider synths. this command converts one of the AKWF files to the next power of two (1024), using linear interpolation, and converts the output to SuperCollider format, so it can be loaded directly to a Buffer for immediate use with Osc or VOsc.

other notes

  • output format is currently always the same as input format. (e.g. WAV, RAW).
  • all formats supported by libsndfile should work. (basically everything but mp3, which requires a license.)
  • linear interpolation is the default, because cubic interpolation can cause overshoot.
  • if overshoot does occur, output should be clamped to [-1, 1] rather than wrapping.


  • contributions (github PRs) and bug reports (github issues) are welcome!