BAMFCSV -- Parsin' CSVs like a BAMF! $ gem install bamfcsv $ irb -rbamfcsv irb> "super_giant.csv" ===> ...large array of arrays... BAMF!!! CSV IS PARSED IN LESS THAN ONE SECOND! GUARANTEED!* also: BAMFCSV.parse "csv,string,of,awesome" AND! both #parse and #read take an optional :headers => true to generate a table! irb(1.9.2): table = BAMFCSV.parse <<EOF, headers: true ?> foo,bar ?> 1,2 ?> 3,4 ?> EOF ==========> #<BAMFCSV::Table> irb(1.9.2): table.first["foo"] ==========> "1" irb(1.9.2): table[1]["bar"] ==========> "4" DOUBLE-AND/ALSO it supports custom field separators!! irb(1.9.2): BAMFCSV.parse(<<EOF, separator: '|') ?> foo|bar ?> baz|quux ?> EOF ==========> [["foo", "bar"], ["baz", "quux"]] (*) Results may vary.