Fetch Dog CEO Challenge

Challenge 1

This repository includes an index.html file that loads an index.js file.

const imgUrl = "https://dog.ceo/api/breeds/image/random/4"

Add JavaScript so that:

  • on page load
  • fetch the images using the url above ⬆️
  • parse the response as JSON
  • add image elements to the DOM for each🤔 image in the array

Challenge 2

const breedUrl = 'https://dog.ceo/api/breeds/list/all'

After the first challenge is completed, add JavaScript so that:

  • on page load, fetch all the dog breeds using the url above ⬆️
  • add the breeds to the page in an <ul> (take a look at the included index.html)

Challenge 3

Once all of the breeds are rendered in the <ul>, add JavaScript so that the font color of a particular <li> changes on click. This can be a color of your choosing.

When the user clicks any of the dog breed list items, the color the text should change.

Challenge 4

Once we are able to load all of the dog breeds onto the page, add JavaScript so that the user can filter breeds that start with a particular letter using a dropdown.

For example, if the user selects 'a' in the dropdown, only show the breeds with names that start with the letter a. For simplicity, the dropdown only includes the letters a-d. However, we can imagine expanding this to include the entire alphabet

dog ceo