I'm really training myself in the language of JavaScript, so I decided to show you guys everything I'm learning and my journey as well.
- Live Demo 💥: https://cheery-dusk-15e1d0.netlify.app/
- Local Storage Demo 💥: https://astonishing-churros-f1bd4c.netlify.app/
1️⃣ JavaScript
2️⃣ HTML
3️⃣ CSS
- I separated each topic into folders to be able to access the topics that interest me to review more easily.
- In each folder you will find the .js files where there will be theory and practice of each topic. You also find the files index.html and styles.css
- I left very specific comments in each code to identify everything much better and to know what each function does in the code.
-Variables and comments.
- strict mode
- let and var
- Operators and data types
- Detect the data type with (typeof)
- Conditional if
- Conditionals and logical operators
- Conditional switch
- for loop
- while loop
- Do while loop
- How to stop a loop - break
Alerts and windows of data entry
- Create functions
- Parameters
- Optional parameters
- Functions within others
- Rest and Spread parameters
- Anonymous functions and callbacks
- Arrow functions
- The scope of the variables
- Methods for processing texts
- Search methods
- replacement functions
- JavaScript text template
- Basic Arrays
- Advanced Arrays
- Loop through arrays: for , forEach
- Multidimensional Arrays
- Operations with Arrays
- Convert a string to an array
- Sort arrays
- Loop through arrays: for...in
- Search in an array
- Introduction to the DOM
- Select and modify page elements
- Practicing with the DOM - querySelector, getElementById...
- Query Selector All
- Manipulate the browser and get data with JavaScript
- What is an event + mouse event
- Keyboard and focus events etc...
-Load event
- Timers
- operator this
- JSON What is it and how to use the objects?
LocalStorage in the browser
- Fetch and asynchronous requests
- Promises and Fetch
- How to create promises
- Catch error in promises
- Catch bugs
- Dates in JS
- Math functions in JS
Clone this Repo
git clone https://github.com/catherinee24/Master-in-JS-Course
cd Master-in-JS-Course
Then install dependencies
Or if you use the management package npm
npm install