Simple doodle poll implementation for user testing:
Open webpage to start exploring. The app comes preloaded with some potential meeting times and the availabilities of three made up people.
Try these features out!
- Sort the available times slots by date or by popularity
- This is a distinguishing feature since users don't have to option to change the view on when2meet
- Indicate your availability by clicking on a time slot (1 click = yes, 2 clicks = if need be, 3 clicks = reset back to no)
- This is a distiguishing feature since users can only say yes/no to a time on when2meet; also, they click & drag over time slots to indicate their availability
- Note: on the real doodle, users can click anywhere on the time slot to indicate their availability (not just within the checkbox), so I implemented it that way here too
- See the availability of the other participants and the total count of who's available at the top of each column
- This is a distinguishing feature since when to meet has a more heat map view of who's available at any given time
- Additionally, it's not easy to see all the times when a particular participant is available in when2meet -- you can only see who's available at a given time by hovering over the slot
- Note: in the real doodle, I noticed the counts don't automatically update when the current user adds their times, so I also implemented the feature this way; this also distinguishes it from when2meet where the counts are updated live
- Once you click at least one time slot, you can submit your times by pressing the "submit" button
- This is a distinguishing feature because on when2meet, there's no explicit submit option -- as you input your availability, it's automatically reflected on the group heat map
- After submitting, users can also edit their submitted availability
- Both platforms have editing capability, but on when2meet, it's more implicit, as there's no submit, and on doodle, you have to explicitly press a button to update your response & then resubmit
- Note: this is probably not as important of a distinguishing feature
Click here to read more about when2meet and doodle's distinguishing features and see my when2meet implementation.
This UI was implemented from scratch, without using a tutorial. I did use the tinysort library to help with sorting in my code. I focused on the inputting availability aspects of both platforms, so I didn't incorporate differences in login, calendar syncing, etc.