Python Terminal Mario


An infinite scrolling Mario-like platformer game written from scratch in Python.


  • W - Jump
  • A - Left
  • D - Right


  • Blocks randomly spawn on screen:-

    • Brick Block: Cannot be destroyed or crossed
    • Spring Block: Can be crossed, causes a bounce on landing
    • Coins: Gain bonus score by collecting these
  • Levels:-

    • Player needs to cross a certain distance to complete a level
    • In order to progress to the next level a boss must be defeated
    • Each level presents a different scenery (clear sky, trees, cloudy sky, mountains) and a higher difficulty level
  • Enemies:-

    • Enemies spawn randomly and move and jump based on the current level. Higher the level faster the enemies and higher their jumps.
    • Touching an enemy causes you to lose a life, however enemies can be killed by stomping them from the top (directional collision)
  • Bosses:-

    • Bosses are special enemies with several lives depending on the level.
    • Bosses are able to fire projectiles at the player. Touching a projectiles causes tou to lose a life.
    • Bosses also show intelligent targeting based on the player's location.
  • Score:-

    • Scoring is based on how long the player can survive.
    • Bonus score is awarded for collecting coins, killing enemies and clearing levels.
  • Sound Effects:-

    • The Sound class accesses wav files present in the Media directory.
    • Sound depends on play which requires the sox package in Linux.

Running the program

  • Install the requirements:
    • pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Run the program using
    • python3